MARCH --1882
Place : - Temple of Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as
Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
“The yogi tries
to see the
Supreme Soul . His end is to get
the embodies
soul converted into
the Supreme Soul “.
The embodied soul is transformed into the Supreme Soul, this
is called the Great Transformation (Mahayoga). This Great Transformation comes
after the unfoldment of the embodied
soul into—
(1) The Universe is
in God.
(2) It is transformed into a seed.
(3) The seed is
changed into a dream.
(4) The dream
vanishes and nothing remains.
Though the Ascent stops here, in some cases the
consciousness comes down and again it goes up when the Supreme Soul is seen.
86) . “The yogi withdraws
his mind from
the body and
tries to have
it transformed into
the Supreme Soul”.
The life-power of yogi is transformed into the Supreme Soul
and he is seeing the Supreme Soul. This is realization is taking place from
within the Supreme Soul. But yet there is consciousness. To extinct this
consciousness is the ideal of a yogi but it never takes place in this stage .
To see the Supreme Soul is but a realization and as such it cannot bring about
a thorough elimination (Sthita Samadhi).
87). “At
the first stage of spiritual discipline a yogi retires in solitude and keeps Himself
confined in a fixed place and then practices meditation with undivided
The yogi, or the man of knowledge, or a devotee—all these
people have got to get their mind withdrawn from the world and get it confined
and concentrated in the seventh plane to see the various sportive forms of God
. This is the only way and it is so eternally.
“The man of knowledge with non-dualistic realizations of Vedanta says
that the act of creation, preservation and destruction, and the Universe
and all its living beings are but illusory sports of the Divine power”.
“Non-dualistic realizations of Vedanta—“is the unfoldment of
the embodied soul as seen in the seventh plane in four parts, viz., (1) The universe in Atma or God, (2)
Seed, (3) Dream,
(4) Elimination of
Preservation—is the Universe with all living beings in Atma.
Destruction—in the first stage is a seed, in the second
stage is but a dream and then elimination follows.
These realizations are but stage or staircase leading up-wards
in the process of transformation of the
life-power into the elimination of ego-consciousness (Stitha-Samadhi).
89). “Upward realizations
reveal that all these
realizations are
but illusory like a dream”.
Realizations are relative truths and as such they appear as
illusory as dream in comparison with the fundamental Truth or Absolute.
90). “Brahma is real”.
It is so revealed in four stages. They are;--
(1) Atma or God
(2) Jara Samadhi—to get the life-power transformed
into Euclid ’s
point ;
(3) Elimination of
ego-consciousness; and
(4) to come back in
the Descent with the knowledge of positiveness,
91). “All else
is unsubstantial”.
They do not exist at all .
92) “The life-power is in
dream and not in existence”.
The ultimate transformation of life-power assumes the form
of a dream and at the end there remains cannot be side.
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