Wednesday, 10 September 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

124).                        “All on a sudden one cannot be king Janaka . In solitude       
                                  Janaka had to practice server austerity.  
Janaka was a king of the great epic Ramayana , In his body God got Himself separated. It was a spontaneous separation. But Janaka was made to practice austerity in solitude in order to realize the bliss of depth of God’s manifestation in the body as well as for setting example to others for practicing austerity, because, everyone cannot be blessed with spontaneous expression of God in the body . The character of Janaka is so depicted, as after separation of God from the body a man may live anywhere.
125).                   “One may live in the world but he must go
                             into solitude every now and then”.          

The environment of everybody life hurts and hardens the body and it stands on the way of God’s manifestation in a man . “If milk is kept on a stirring state then there cannot be any cure”--. Sri Ramkrishna .
It does not permit transformation of life—power into Supreme Bliss.
126).                     “On the footpath, a tree when  young  must  be  fenced around
                               Otherwise  it  will  be  eaten  up  by  the  stray  cow  and  goat”.
Footpath---is the world where there is an uproar of greediness for continuous pleasure though there is no satiety in it. A man lives therein. “The world is an arena of unquenchable thirst for pleasure and creature comfort—“.Sri Ramkrishna.
Tree on the footpath---represents a man’s body with life—power in it.
Life-power (Kundalini) at the first stage is but a sapling. It grows. It becomes a plant. Finally it becomes a tree bearing fruits. It is a mango tree. It bears small fruits on the lower branches and very bigger fruits on the upper ones and one biggest fruit on one top most branch. It is so seen in the body.
Young---means the initial waking condition of life-power. It develops, first it comes in the form of a venomous snake and it is seen in a dream. This very dream takes living form in its own course of time and is seen in an expressive way to manifest over the body. In the long run when a man realizes and sees all the sportive forms of God in the five sheaths of the body, still the life-power is not manifested over the body with a tangible expression. If in a very matured condition when life-power makes its way to the seventh plane in five different shapes and the forms of each shape is manifested over the body and the life-power gets transformed into Supreme Bliss at beck and call then the blessed man is made aware of the full process of manifestations with forms and bliss of the life-power in his body.
It can be tested in a very easy way, if the life-power is awakened in a man . If life-power is awakened in full measure in a man penetrating the gross physical sheath and manifesting over it, then all that is required is to ask him. “Well Sir, is it fact that if life-power in a man is awakened then the life-power is seen to jump like a frog in his physical sheath?” Before he answers the question it will come upon him and will be seen in manifestation over his physical sheath. It will be seen that his abdomen is throbbing, rather rising and falling very quickly and something in inside perforce is making its way with striking rapidity towards the cerebrum of the seventh plane expressing such impressions over the body as easily marked by one and all. Though the man is in a sitting posture he will be seen as if he is in dance like a frog . The supreme Cult (Brahmavidya) or the cult through which God is manifested itself over the body. This state in the physical sheath has been stated as a trunk of a tree.
Fenced around---signifies that the devotee must keep himself along in solitude for a period of time to pray and meditate with undivided and undiverted  attention .
Goat---is the symbol of lust.
Cow---that is bull is the symbol of anger .
127).               “At  the  first  stage ,  the  fence  is  an  indispensable  rquirement”.
It means to pray in concealment and solitude.

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