Thursday, 25 September 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

128).               “When  the  stalk  turns  into  a  trunk,  the  fence  in  removed”.
It means the attainment of the Supreme Cult in the body. Then no further concealment is necessary, because, as a sign of attainment of the Supreme Cult, God in the body will be seen to manifest itself over the body.                              
129).          “Then  the  trunk  will  not  get  the  least  hurt  even  if  an  elephant  is  tied  to  it”. 

Elephant---is the symbol of mind and mind is called an wild elephant .

130 ).         “The  disease  is  typhoid”.

‘I’ or ‘ego’ has been compared with typhoid. In typhoid a patient sees illusion. So ‘I’ is nothing but an illusion. Then what is reality? ‘I’ is never born and cannot be born (Ajo—that which is never born). How does ‘that-which-never-born’ look in the typhoid of illusion?

Emanation of God in the body commences from the gross physical sheath. Then at the end of Ascent, the Supreme Cult reveals the Supreme Knowledge. Then comes “Descent”. The knowledge of “Thou” appears and reigns. Then the illusion of ‘I’ vanishes and a man is in state to declare “That-which-never-born”. The special feature of the disease typhoid ‘I’ is that it makes unreal appear real.

131).                  “In the room of the typhoid patient, there are huge     
                           Water pot and jars of pickles and tamarinds”.

  Room---represents body, the gross physical sheath. Typhoid patient—is ‘I’ or ‘ego’---a subject of illusions. Huge water pot and jars of pickles and tamarinds—are six aspects of human passions—lust, anger, greediness, delusion, pride and envy.

132).                      “If you want to get the patient cured of his ‘I’ illusion,
                                then he must be removed from the room”. 

‘I’---is body, the physical sheath at first.

The commencement of God’s emanation stars from the physical sheath. Life-power of the emanated God from the body undergoes transformations in His sportive forms in five sheaths or seven plans. Then follows the attainment of the Supreme Knowledge. The Ascent ends here. The Descent starts now and knowledge of ‘I-am-not-but-thou’ prevails. This is called ‘removal of the patient from the room’ or the gross physical sheath.

133),               “God  alone  exists  and  the  existence  is eternal”

This saying has got two aspects in their meaning :

(1)     God with form is real and eternal.

(2)     God without form is also real and eternal.

But in the Supreme Knowledge there exists nothing and even in the state of Supreme Knowledge none exists either to feel the non-existence or to carry the message of non-existence.

There are two states of the Supreme Knowledge—one Relative and other is Absolute . The Relative starts from seeing the formless God in the seventh plane and ultimately it is transformed into Absolute-non-existence after undergoing the following changes---

(1)     The formless God.

(2)     God holding the Universe in Him.

(3)      He turns into a seed.

(4)     The seed turns into a dream.

(5)     The dream does not exist or the state of non-existence of ego.

134)            “All  else  is  unreal,  impermanent  and  ephemeral”

In Ascent it so appears . When life-power ascends from one plane to another, she keeps on discarding till she reaches and is transformed into Absolute and non-existence and then in Descent at the first stage, “Not-I-But-Thou’, the illusory state of everything else, is felt and it transpires that God alone is Real .

135).          “This  Supreme  Knowledge  is  to  be  attained,  realized  and  to  be  felt  Continually”.

It is ‘Sahajia; state . The existence becomes so ; or it becomes one with one’s existence.

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