Monday, 20 October 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

145).           “Preceptor,  Master,  and  Father,  these  three  words  make a shudder  pass  through                             me”.

Preceptor---“A man can never be a preceptor . God-the-preceptor is the only preceptor”—Sri Ramkrishna.

Master---God is the Master of the world and everybody else in the world is but a sight-seer and a passer-by.

Father---It means to be entrapped in the temptation of the world.

After attainment of the Supreme Cult, the attainer is always protected by the awakened God in his body, so he cannot have a fall. The Supreme Cult never deserts the attainer.

146).           “Preceptor  is  only  God-the-Preceptor”.

God-the-Preceptor assumes human form, appears before you, blesses you and says . “You will attain God-head”. God in the body takes this unknown or by-gone human form, selects you as a bridegroom, in other words, makes your body a play ground for this blissful and joyous sports.

He teaches you the whole course of Rajayoga---the emanation and transformation of God through the five sheaths or the seven plane into the Supreme Bliss.

He gets Himself changed before your very eyes as your deity to whom you daily pray. As for instance, a man has got St. Paul as his God-the-Preceptor. But his deity is Jesus as he prays to Him. Before his very eyes he will see that the form of St, Paul is changed into the form of Jesus. Again in the seventh plane, God-the-Preceptor shows God and merges into God.

Without attainment of God-the-Preceptor, a devotee is not lucky enough to see God in various states in him ; nay not only this, but he will not get the least response of God in him .

Thakur says, “Without the bliss of God-the-Preceptor, there cannot be any upward progress. “This upward progress means he upward motion of the life-power in a man, that is, waking of life-power and her march in the seventh plane . Without the attainment of God-the-Preceptor, the life-power does not wake up . There cannot be any realization without life-power being wakened up.

The attainment of God-the-Preceptor is a kind of transformation into God-with-Form as God in the body assumes that form out of sheer mercy.

God-the-Preceptor expresses himself in the body in various measures. They are:--

(1)    “Some unknown man (a human form made of God’s light) will appear and tell you, ‘Come along with me’; then it will be a very easy journey to make climbing on his shoulder”.---Sri Ramkrishna .

This unknown man is God-the-Preceptor in full measure and he comes to the seer at an early age of twelve to thirteen.

‘Unknown man’ means the human form of God-the-preceptor whom you did not see before ; but afterwards you will be coming to know everything about him .    

(2)     A devotee used to pray to God for a good preceptor. God heard his prayer and appeared before him in the form of God-the-Preceptor. The form of God-the-preceptor was a living one.It denoted that God in full measure was manifested and that the living man was God-Himself-with-form.

(3)     God-the-preceptor appears, shows the devotee his favorite deity and merges himself into the deity. Here both God-the-preceptor and the deity are made of God’s light.

(4)     God-the-preceptor appears all on a sudden with an aspect of one mad in God’s love, and with up-lifted hands indicating that God in him has separated from his body and speaks, “Remember God and talk of God—all along”.

(5)     It was dusk in a dense forest. The sky was covered with black clouds. Lightning and thunders succeeded each other, a high gale was blowing and it was tempestuous. A poor traveler was exasperated and in bewilderment cried out. “How am I to cross this forest?” A voice was heard and it spoke, “Remember God, take God’s name and there will not be the least difficulty for you to go out of the forest”.
(6)     A devotee is seeing that God-the-preceptor is giving him instruction about the waking of life-power.

(7)     A devotee is in a boat and his God-the-preceptor is the boatman and plying the boat in a river.

(8)     A devotee is standing on the sea-shore. There is a boat on the shore. His God-the-preceptor is on the boat and the helm of the boat is in his hand. The devotee is maddened with joy at the sight . He cries aloud, “Well, well, Sir! What brings you here”? The reply comes, “I have come to learn that you shall be due here and so I have come”. The devotee then gets into the boat.

(9)     God-the-preceptor assumes the form of an old man and beckons the devotee .

(10)    God-the-preceptor appears as an ancient sage (Rishi) and gives instructions .

All these realizations came upon a group of devotees in dreams.

“Does realization in dream bear any less value ?”---Shri Ramkrishna . The Brihadaranyaka and Chandogya (Upanishads), parts of the Vedas, say that realizations in dreams are purer then the realizations made with open eyes.

147)              “God  is  mother  to  me  and  I  am  but  her  child”.

This is but knowledge of ‘Thou’ as in opposition to ‘ego’ or ‘I’, and this is also called the matured love to Go . There remains no-ego-consciousness in the Supreme Knowledge. But when consciousness comes back, it comes back with ‘thou’ and not ‘I’. This is called conscious-existence of Descent or this is designated as matured love. If this knowledge is once attained this never leaves or deserts the attainer. So those who have attained this knowledge of ‘thou’ can never play the role of preceptor. At every turn Thakur used to say, “God

along is the Preceptor”. God, in one aspect, is this world and it is His sportive form . Thakur without any break in the day or at night was witnessing this God’s sport . His eyes were fixed continually on God. So he was a child to God . How can a child play the part of a preceptor? One of Thakur’s devotees, by name Tej Chandra, asked for initiation . Thakur replied, “I cannot be your preceptor, I simply can be your instructor”.

148)              “There  are  human  preceptors  by  the  million”.

It is simply and solely ignorance and false vanity which prompts a man to ply the role of a preceptor.

149)              “Everyone  wants  to  be  a preceptor . There  is  hardly  one  who
                       condescends  to  be  a disciple”.      

      Preceptor---means false vanity according to Thakur’s ideology, as a man cannot be
A preceptor.

      A disciple is compared  by Thakur as low land . Thakue’s teaching was, “The
      water of God’s grace does not get accumulated in high land; whereas,
 it accumulates in the low land”.      

     150)              “If  you  are  not  commended  by  God, then  nobody  is  going 
                            to  hear you”.
Without God’s command there will be no force in your instructions and there will be no room for them in the mind of your audience. So God in their bodies will not emanate. They shall not get you as God-the preceptor in them and that proves that you have not got God’s command.

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