MARCH --1882
Place : -
Temple of Dakshineswar
Shri Ramkrishna will be
spoken of as
Thakur” when
required as it is so
done in the Gospel )
151) “So long the fire
the fuel burns
beneath, the milk
puffs up”.
Fuel---represents the physical body of the devotee.
Fire---is Thakur . God is represented as---milk. Puffs up---means
manifestations and realizations in the body .
The metaphor means that when a devotee comes near Thakur he
gets tastes and realizations of God.
“When fire is withdrawn,
there remains no
puffing up of
the milk”.
When a devotee goes away from Thakur, his longing for God
and realizations also vanish .
“The people of Calcutta are
fond of sensation .
They start digging
a well at a place but
if they strike
a stone then
they will leave
the place . It so
happens that sand
comes out . They will
leave the
place and begin
at another place .
And this goes
The devotees around Thakur in the steam-boat with Shri
Keshab were all elderly men . So there was hardly any chance for them to get
spontaneous emanation of God in their bodies. Thakur was instructing to be firm
and fixed and then to try to get God’s grace by self-exertion. Thakur was fully
aware that it was a rare thing; still the merciful God takes pity and gives His
grace .
“How powerful are
the words of a
teacher who has
got commandment ! A mountain moves
at his words”.
The words of a man who has got God’s commandment make God
wake up in others who are blessed enough to listen to him. But this is
conditional. The hearer must be young like St. Francis as otherwise there is
hardly any chance.
Mountain---represents body.
Moves----means waking
of life-power in the body.
The wakened life-power startles one, shakes him and then
like a monkey takes a jump to the seventh plane and is transformed into Supreme
Bliss. It so happens in a matured condition but not with a beginner.
“One needs a badge
of authority if
he wants to
teach others”.
God-the-preceptor appears, writes the authority on a paper
and shows it to the devotee. This is called ‘badge of authority’.
“One who has
attained God within
himself has got
an inner sight”.
If anybody comes to the man who has got God in him then the
attainer of God finds the reflective form the new-comer in him and then follows
a spontaneous revelation of the nature of the new-comer. It makes the attainer
know the pros and cons of the comer . It so often happened with Thakur.
”God is the master
. Everything is done
through me .I do not
do anything .
The man
whose life is
perfected and conducted
on the basis
of this knowledge
in him. God
has separated Himself
in him from
the bondage of
body” .
This is knowledge of
‘Thou’---‘not I but Thou’. This state of consciousness gets its own expressions
in everyday life . The expressions in everyday life are that he will never play
the role of a preceptor and he will never accept any money in exchange of his
religious teaching . “If he has become a real monk then why does he take money
from other’? ---Sri Ramkrishna .
“Let you see
God first by
“It is through sheer grace of God that God is seen”. ---Sri
Ramkrishna . But here Thakur was encouraging the devotees for self—exertion as
they were advanced in age . Yes, by sincere devotion, prayer and other
spiritual discipline one can get God’s grace in some measure.
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