Wednesday, 19 November 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

159)                 “One  on  arrival  at ‘Kalighat’, got  himself  engaged  in  giving  alms  only ;
                          then  there  would  be  no  time  for  him  to  see  the  image  of  the  Divine Mother,  ‘Kali’,  in  the  inner  shrine”.

(Kalighat is a locality of Calcutta and here the temple of the Divine Mother, called “Kali”, is situated).Kalighat---represents the world . One is come to the world . His first and foremost duty is to see God, i.e., to solve the mystery of life and death , On the contrary, a man comes to the arena of the world, dances his futile dance and passes away.

160)               “In  case  of  fever, if  the  old  Kaviraja’s  (Doctors practicing  in  old  method )
                        Treatment  is  adopted  then  the  patient  is  sure  to  collapse”.

Fever---represents the disease---‘ego’ or ‘I’.

Doctor’s old method---means seeing God the five sheaths or seven planes as laid down in the Vedas.

The patient is sure to collapse---signifies that the physical body in the present era cannot stand so much strain.

161)                 “The  present  era  demands  quick  action”.

Thakur means to say that the present era is an era of devotion and prayer .

It was so as long as Thakur lived in this world . But with the disappearance of Thakur from this world, the era has changed . The method is altered. It is Thakur’s era . A new method has been adopted. It is an age of injection, i,e., it will come from within the body as God-the-preceptor comes from inside the body .

162)                 “The  religion  of  the  era  is  devotion  and  prayer”.

Let you follow the path of prayer and devotion and if God in your takes pity He will appear as God-the-preceptor and will show you His sports and sportive forms and you will be a witness to them.

163)                “Like  Vedantist  (non-dualists)  you  do  not  say
                         That  the  world  is  but  a  dream”.

Why those devotees do say so?

They are not blessed with this realization as they did not see God and there was no chance for them to do so. They are aged people . Had there been any chance for them to realize God then that would have come to pass at their youth within 25 years of age .     

 At  Surendra’s  )Suresh  Mitra’s )  house
 after  the  boat  trip.

164)                “Have  the  fare  from  the  ladies  of  the  house .For  certain,  they  must  be  knowing  that  their  husbands  (Suresh Mitra & others)  pay visit  to
us  at  the  temple  of  Dakshineswar.”

It means transmission of power from to one another and it speaks wonder .

In our case we find that husband comes and he see the “Diamond”---in the shape of my own person---within, and then other members of the family see me in the following four forms;---

(i)    In  dream.

(ii)    In  meditation.

(iii)   In  an  awakened  condition—as  a  living  man .

(iv)   In  trance.

It was not so in the time of Thakur.

Even the wife of Suresh Babu during the life—time of Thakur made a different preceptor or Guru.

165)               “There hung  on  the wall  an  oil-painting  and  Surendra  got  it  painted  specially  for  him  (Surendra). In  the  picture, it  was  so  pointed  out 
by  Thakur  to  Keshab  about  the harmony  of  all  religions,  viz.
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,  Hinduism, and also in other sectarianisms
such  as,  ‘Vaishnava’,  ‘Sakta’,  ‘Shaiva’, etc”.

It was but a picture—a creation of imagination .

“Many have admitted that all the religions of the world are right”--. Swami Vivekananda (The ideal of a Universal Religion).

Whereas, when a man becomes God, any member of the human race coming in contact with Him will see Him within his own body, and even in many cases without any contact they see Him. The question of religion, sect, caste or creed does not arise (vide Preface, page-17). This is harmony. This is Swami Vivekananda’s Point of Union” for which he laid down his glorious life, though it did not come into existence in his own life-time.

The great Swami exclaimed that no practical plan was adopted by any to bring about this harmony in the conflux of the claim of superiority and disparity over other religions.

In Volume II of the complete works of Swami Vivekananda [Ninth (Enlarged) Edition, 1958—published in Mayavati, Almora, Himalaya], the great Swami says, “That plan alone is practical which does not destroy the individuality of any man in religion and at the same time shows him a point of union with all others”.

No practical plan can be chalked out . This harmony is achieved through Mahayoga---the ‘Great Yoga’ which evinces that “All is One and One is All”---only in the spiritual world within(Vide Introduction, Page 15 &16).

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