Friday, 18 December 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

    (337)                   “A flattering disciple of Keshab once told him, “you are the God-consciousness
                                 (Chaitanya) of this Ironera”. Shri Keshab pointed out me (Thakur), smiled and
                                   said, “Then who is he?”

 It was Shri Keshab Chandra Sen, the leader of Brahma Samaj in Calcutta, who came to know, of course through Grace of Thakur, that Thakur was an incarnation of God, as God-consciousness came down in Descent (Nigam) in  Thakur, God Himself gives publicity about the incarnation of God. He is in every man. He will take the form of the incarnation of God and appear before the man in dream, in trance, in meditation, or in an awakened condition and tell him, “Do you know who I am?”

 (338)                   “As  if  Siva (another name of God) has  come  out after  penetrating  the
                               earth  and  not  (the  image) set  up  by  human  hands”.

God out of His own will expresses and manifests Himself in the human body and not to be obtained by self-exertion. The question may rise---“What others will do?” The answer is the life of Jesus and Shri Ramkrishna.Others will lead their lives according to the instructions as given to them by their (Jusus and Shri Ramkrishna) own lives !.

 (339)                  “Only  some  of  the  birds  have  crooked  beaks”.
Beak of the bird---represents Adam’s apple in the throat of a man. Every man has got an Adam’s apple in his throat. Projecting out of this Adam’s apple is not a good sign in the process of transformation of life-power. If this Adam’s apple projects out in the throat then there cannot be emanation of God in full measure.

“A bird with Adam’s apple in its throat cannot learn to whistle or to talk”-----Shri Ramkrishna.

 (340)              “A man with spontaneous of God in the body (Nitya Siddha) is like a bee
                         which lights only on flowers and sips the honey”.

 Flower---represents cerebrum, or lotus with thousand Petals—the seventh plane.

 Honey---is the Supreme Bliss comes under such an easy control of the man with spontaneous emanation of God in the body that He transforms himself into the Supreme Bliss every now and then, and the turn of his mind is such that it does not permit him to take part an any mundane matter.


(341)                 “A meadow is filled with paddy. One has got to cross the meadow.
                           No alternative for him but he has to walk in a round about way
                           along the balk”.

 Meadow----here represents this human body.

To cross the meadow---means to go through the body in the process of transformation of the life power and to reach the seventh plane.

Round about way along the balk---is spoken about the ritualistic devotion.

The whole metaphor indicates that a man with ritualistic devotion can hardly expect to get the life-power transformed into Supreme Bliss .

(342)                “There is a village nearby. A man wants to come there. He takes a boat, launches it
                           in a winding river and tries to reach there by this round about way.”

Here also it is spoken about the ritualistic devotion. It is pointed out that it is like a winding river-course for going to a village nearby---the seventh plane.

Thakur means to say that by self-exertion, such as observing spiritual disciplines, there is hardly any chance for one to get God in him.

 (343)                 “When a man gets his life-power awakened, then manifestations of God in various
                             sportive forms take place and there crops up a love to God as He is the nearest and
                             dearest kith and kin; then it becomes, as if, to cross a rice-field from where all
                             crops have been harvested. It is a plain field now and one has not to walk on the
                             balk.One can go in any direction straight across the field.”

Here it is related to the condition of the man who gets spontaneous manifestation of God in the body.

(344)                    “ One has not to row through the winding river if the country is
                                flooded deep with water.  Then water runs twenty cubits deep
                          on the field . Let one row his boat straight.”

It is spoken about life-power. There are two stages of awakening of life-power.

(1)The first stage is called awakening of Kundalini or life-power. She has got two aspects. One is animal aspect and another is divine aspect. As long as life-power runs in the outside world, it has got animal aspect. But when life-power makes its course through the body towards the cerebrum or the seventh plane then she gets her divine aspect.

(2)In the second stage this life-power within gets nineteen times stronger and mighter than the first stage.   Hence it is called Mahavayu.

The second condition is shown in this way : It takes place within the body. The world is lying open before your very sight. There is a boat on the other end of the world. Within twinkling of an eye the boat comes arunning to you. She has a straight course and the stops near you.

It is also manifested in the body. If one comes in contact with such a man and if you simply ask him, “Well Sir, have you got your Mahavayu awakened in you?”---before he can answer you, his abdomen will commence shaking violently in a jumping posture, his body will be shaking violently in a writhing posture, his head will be moving on the neck like a pendulum and finally he will go into deep Samadhi. It is the Supreme Cult ; it will be heard and it will come upon the body in outward manifestation expressing the condition of inward transformation.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

(331)                      “The  light  of  Knowledge  must be  kindled  in  the  heart
                         (seventh  plane)”.

“The aim of life is to see God and attain God”.
                                                                 ----Shri  Ramkrishna.

God must be collected from the body. His manifestations must be seen in the seventh plane as shown by God-the-Preceptor and lastly, He must flare up in the form of consciousness like a red flame from the stick of a Chinese red-flame match-box (Chaitanya).

The lamp of knowledge is seen the burn in the body. It is not a metaphor but really it is so seen within…….

Place----Macedonia  in  Greece.

With a lantern in his hand the Greek philosopher Diogenes was seen walking in front of Alexander the Great. Alexander was very much surprised and asked, “How is it? It is day-time. But you have got a burning lamp”! Diogenes answered ; “I am seeking a Real man.” Diogenes meant to say that he is a Real  Man in whom the lamp of knowledge is seen to burn in his body. He was looking for such a man of Knowledge.  

The  Master  with  Shri  Amrita,  Shri  Trailakya  and
other  Brahma  devotees
At  the  Dakshineswar Temple
Thursday,  March  29,  1883.
(Chapter  V111  of  the  Gospal,  last  portion)

(332)                        “Rakhal, you are ill,  please take a bit of food (dried cooked rice---three
                              or four in number)  offered to ‘Jagannath’---the Lord of the Universe”.

To take 3 or 4 cooked and dried rice in the memory of the Lord of the Universe means to kate shelter and seek protection from God.

Oh Lord, I am ill. I take shelter at your hallowed feet. You are all. This illness is your another aspect. You are in the body and this illness is your one form. Let you come out in your appeasing form. Please give me your grace, let me have your mercy. Oh, let you see, what a faithful and loyal servant I am to you! I take the leavings of food (there 3 o 4 dried rice) partaken of by you. A man need not be thinking so much. Let him only remember God and God within the body has got thorough knowledge of you and your doing. If he likes then He gives His grace. He acts at His pleasure, and His will is law.                                    

(333)                       “Why  this  dress  of  Ochre  cloth?”

Ocher-cloth dress is not required to see and attain God. God is in the human body. He out of His grace emanates and manifests in the body. Some most lucky men, through sheer mercy of God, can see all these sportive forms of God in his own body. It is not required to have any charms or signs from the outside. Ochre cloth is an outward sign. It is a sign that one is trying to get God by self-exertion.

“Who knows what dress or uniform will help me to get God?” ---Shri  Ramkrishna.

It means that so special dress or uniform is required to get the grace of God.

Did Thakur were other cloth?

The reply is in the negative. It was not required. So he did not were it. Thakur is the ideal of the era. He led an ordinary mean’s life and by doing that he set up an example that through grace of God. God could not be obtained and not by any special kind of dress or uniform.

(334)                    “No  fancy  dress  can  help  one  to  attain  God”.

On the contrary, it is a kind of vanity which prompts one to make a parade of special dress to get the grace of God.
God is for all with all kinds of dresses.

“Uncle Moon (Moon in Indian mythology)is everybody’s uncle”----Shri  Ramkrishna.

To get His grace, all that is required is to pray to Him and the prayer must be inwardly because He is in you and fully aware of your sincerity. 

(335)                       “Again, there are such instances that a man may have everything he wants.
                                 But he is absolutely indifferent to all enjoyments. He weeps alone for Gos
                                 in privacy. The real renunciation is this one.”

  These are the signs where there will be spontaneous manifestation of God.

     (336)                         “No  lie  of  any  sort  holds  any  goodness  in  it”.
 Truth manifests in the body. A man sees his real and true Self in the body. To see God is to establish  truth in life. The man who is on the path of truth or who has established truth in life cannot play a  false game in life.

Monday, 16 November 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

(322)           “Then  God  attracts  and  draws  the  mind
               as  a  magnet  attracts  and  draws  a needle”.
 Mind is another form of life-force and its upward course to the cerebrum it appears like an electric current in thbody. The mind is covered with dirt. The dirt is removed. The mind has taken an upward course. After various transformations, it takes the form of Atma in the seventh plane.

(323)            “Then  comes  ‘Samadhi’ and  ‘God  is  seen’.    

Samadhi---is one sense means transformation of life—power into God within the body.

First comes Unamana Samadhi. The life—power is transformed into a point made of God’s light at the middle of the two eye—brows. The scattered mind is collected, changed into a point and located between the two eye—brows. Then the mind enters into the seventh plane, takes the form of Atma and God i

(324)             “You  may  exert yourself  thousands  of  time  but 
                        without  God’s  grace  nothing  can  be  had”.

God can be had by the grace of God and not by self—exertion.

“Whom God accepts as a bride, He gives His grace to him and it happens with him”.

It means that it is with him in whom the life—power automatically is transformed into God. A devotee terms it as ‘God’s grace.’

(325)               “Ego  must  be  annihilated  in  toto”.

  With the annihilation of ego there comes a spontaneous revelation. Ego lessens in course of transformation and revelations come.

(326)               “The  egoism  that  ‘I  am  the  Master’
                         debars  one  from  seeing  God”.

In the course of transformation of life-power the egoism spontaneously evaporates. One need not exert himself to obtain this state; on exertion on one’s part can help him to obtain this disposition. As by God’s grace realizations proceed, so, in that proportion elimination of egoism goes on.

A man having no egoism is not conscious of his own state. It happens after obtaining complete and through Supreme Bliss. When a man becomes a teacher, he comes to understand this state. He talks about God and finds he is not talking, but God from within is talking through his organ. Thakur often used to say, “Mother, I do not talk, but you, from within, talk”.

(327)               “The  man  who  imposes  himself  as  master,
                          in  him  God  does  not  easily  appear”.

There is no room for two in the seventh plane. Two does not exist. Only one exist and that one is God. From one comes two and many.

(328)                 “God shines like the Sun of Knowledge. A single ray of 
                           His illuminates the world with the light of Knowledge.    
                           So one becomes conscious of ones own state in
                           comparison with others”.

God within is like the Sun of Knowledge. ‘I’ am but one of His rays and this ray appears direct from the Sun. ‘I’ and Sun have got direct connection. The sun bears and reveals the Universe. The Sun, the Universe and ‘I’ are interlinked and have got straight connection. This is not metaphor. There is no room for any kind of figure of speech here. It is seen and realized. The first one happens at the entrance to the seventh plane when the Sun is seen the Universe within God and this is ascribed as the beginning of special Knowledge about God. What is special Knowledge? What is God? He who holds the Universe within Him is God. But it is also only one aspect of God. The Universe is but a reflection in the mirror of ‘I’ .

(329)                    “In the dark of night the police-sergeant with a lantern
                       (lantern of the night-watch) in his hand goes his rounds.
                              No one sees his face.”

God is within you. He is witnessing every bit of your action. Nothing escapes him. But you are not conscious of it by an iota.

“The light of the lantern helps the police-sergeant to see everybody face, and all others also can see one another”

The mind of a man is in the outside. He is seeing the Universe and all else in the outside. It is God’s light enabling us to see everything but we are not aware that the light is coming from within.

(330)                    “Oh Sir, take pity, turn the light of Knowledge on your
                        own face and let me see you for once at least.

The mind is withdrawn from the Universe and kept confined in the body. Then 
follows realizations of God’s sportive forms in full measure, of course, by God’s grace, then seeing of the God (Atma)in the seventh plane; it is succeeded by ‘Supreme Knowledge’; again it turns into ‘Knowledge of thou’, subsequently follows Descent as in an incarnation of God or Avatar.

Police—sergeant---represents God. If God out of His grace reveals Himself in the human body then these sportive forms of God are seen and realized. Ultimately a man becomes God and the mystery of the human life is solved.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

(319)                     “ Let your eyes be painted with the collyrium of excessive                                                                        divine love, and then you will be seeing Him”

It is spoken of meditations.

There are two kinds of meditations  :

(1)    Vishnu  Dhyan.

(2)    Shiva  Dhyan.

In the Vishnu Dhyan a man has got to fix his mind at the point of the nose. It is for the purpose of seeing God with form. Of course, it needs a matured condition of meditation when a devotee may see Karan Sarir of the fourth sheath taking a human form made of God’s light. A devotee of Buddha will see Buddha; a devotee of Jesus will see Jesus and a devotee of Shri Ramkrishna will see Shri Ramkrishna. It is God in the body taking the form according to the prayer of the devotee.

Furthermore, there is a developed condition of Yoga in this state. It is called Ardha Bajhya---half the mind within and half the mind outside. Half the mind within is seeing the form of Jesus in the fourth sheath. It is throwing reflection to the other half of the mind in the outside. The devotee is continually seeing the form of Jesus simultaneously both within and without. Of course, it appears only one Jesus. So at this stage wherever he will cast his eyes he will see Jesus.

In the Shiva Dhyan a devotee has got to place his mind at the meeting point of two eye—brows on the forehead. It is meditation of God without form. Ultimately it leads one to the realization of the five stages of Vedanta---viz.,

(1)    God  or  Atma  as  shown  by  God-the-Preceptor.
(2)     The  Universe  within  God.
(3)     God-the  Universe  changes  into  a  Seed.
(4)     The  Seed  is  transformed  into  a  Dream.
(5)     In  the  end  there  remains  no  Dream  and  what  remains  nobody  knows.

(320)      “In that case a devotee sees God in both
          His aspects, i.e. God with form and God without form”.                                                                                                                    

A.  God  with  form ;------                         (i)     God-the  Preceptor.
                                                                  (ii)    ‘Bhagavati  Tanu’                                                                      
                                                                            or Image of God as
                                                                            Seen in the sixth plane.                                
                                               (iii)      Several images of gods 
                                                          and goddesses. 

                                      (iv)    Lastly, it changes into a 
                                                Child---as child Jesus.
B.  God  without  form;------                    (i)      To see the sky in meditation.

(ii)               To see the God’s light. 
                                                                 (iii)     To see God or Atma in the
                                                                            seventh plane.                                                   

                                                                 (iv)    Lastly, to get Atma changed
                                                                            Into Paramatma which happens only in case of a                                                                                     Mahayogi.                                                         
 In the human body where God’s emanation happens in full measure it can be understood that God with form and God without form are but both aspects of God in the body lying in an unseen and in an unattached condition.

(321)            “One  cannot  see God  in  the  seventh  plane    
  without  purity  or  inner  mind”.

The mind is lying scattered all over the world. It is to be drawn up the kept confined within the body. Then there will be growth of inner mind. The inner mind purifies itself in the process of transformation and ultimately it turns into pure consciousness. This pure condition of mind reveals in the realization. A man’s face in the front. It is seen to have turned towards the back when the back is seen. An amazing thing happens. The primal force of the body assumes the form of a girl and keeps on repeating---“Let the face be turned in, let the face be turned in.” And this is full measure getting the mind within and to have it kept in a pure condition for ever.

Again, the purity of mind takes place by parts only. A friend used to take part in the feast of the funeral ceremony. Another friend of him said, “well, Thakur has warned not to take parting the feast of the funeral ceremony.” Though warned the first friend did not take it so seriously. He joined in another feast of the funeral ceremony. On the next day of the feast he dreamt—‘At the very same place and on the very same table he was feasting himself with victuals and viands of the same kind has on the last occasion. An amazing thing was happening. Each and every kind of viand tasted like that of a fish. The friend was a strict vegetarian. The taste of fish disgusted him in a degree. He threw out the food from his mouth.’ This dream has got several kinds of meanings but in one sense it signifies inner purification of mind. It is but a partial purification of mind. It brought about a change in the first friend. He stopped taking part in the feast of the funeral ceremony.

Friday, 16 October 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
314)                  “The  love of  a  lady  for  her  husband”.
It means to think oneself as a lady and to love God as her husband. The best instance is Radha and Krishna as depicted in the Indian epics.
315)              “The  world  appears like a foreign land where a man is come and
                         sojourning for certain allotted work.  As if, a man has got his own
                         home in a certain village but he works in Calcutta. He sojourns in
                         Calcutta for his work”.
Calcutta---signifies human body. God is confined in the body in an unseen and unattached state. Till liberation of Atma from the body takes place, the body is but a foreign land where there is no divine pleasure. A man is a born seeker of divine pleasure. He seeks pleasure in the outer world. He fails. When God liberates from the body and rise upward in the seventh plane---the village home---he gets taste of divine pleasure. He is satisfied and becomes quite. It is his native village and everything appears full of Eternal Bliss Sat—chit—ananda.
 316)             “If  love  of  God  develops  then  there will be a  complete  annihilation
                        And  evaporation  of  the  attachment  to  the  world  and  the  body”.
This mind is to be withdrawn from the world and it is to be kept confined in the body. Then God out of grace will emanate from the body and attachment of body will get slackened in grade along with liberation of God. But the first and foremost requirement is to get development of love to God and this cannot be had without His grace.
317)          “The slightest trace of bodily existence with olds the manifestation of
  God in the seventh plane and God is not seen”
 God pervades all through and over the body. If in full measure God emanates and gets Himself collected in the seventh plane then God will be seen. Or in other words, if God is seen in the seventh plane then there is an emanation of God in full measure from the body. If a single fibre of the body is in a sullied state then there will not be emanation in full measure and God in the seventh plane will not be seen.
“If there is the slightest defect in a black goat then it cannot be used for sacrificial purpose”.
                                                                                                                              -----Shri  Ramkrishna.
“The man who sees God in the seventh plane is a God’s man and God has made him with His own hands.”
                                                                                                                               -----Shri Ramkrishna.
(318)                   “A  damp match-stick cannot strike fire though a thousand
       times it is rubbed against the match-box”.   
 Match—box----is the human body.
This human body has got head on the top ; in a similar way a match—stick has got combustible ingredients on its top.
Within the head there is the seventh plane and thereon Chaitanya (God in Descent) which flaers up like a brilliant red flame of a Chinese red—flame match—stick.

Sunday, 4 October 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
308)             “Ripe  or  real  devotion”.
This kind of love to God springs up after knowledge of ‘Thou’, accompanies the display of              Descent, and reaches the manikin form (Manus Ratan). If anyone attains this love of God, God Himself gives publicity by making other devotees known about it. This knowledge comes from within the devotees.                     
309)     “Those  devotees  whose  love  of God  is  not  a matured  one  cannot  get  the
          Sportive  forms  or  instructions  as  spoken, expressed  in  or  over their  body”.
It is so with a beginner (Prabartak).
(310)“In  a matured state of love of God,  If anything about God’s sports or any
 special manifestation of God in the body is spoken or heard then that God’s
                    sport or manifestation is realized by the listener in his body”.
It happens with Nitya Siddhas who have got their body along with their birth in such a state that    spontaneous liberation of God takes place in their body, as it is an innate heritage. An example is given below to illuminate the subject.   
There were two friends. The first friend used to say to the second one, “Well, Brahma Vidya, the supreme Cult, can be bestowed on another”. But he did never tell him the method of transfer. The second friend was as sincere devotee of Thakur. He dreamt---‘He was lying flat on his back. His God-the-Preceptor was lying over him on his chest placing face over face and putting in the tongue in the mouth of the seer’. When the second friend related this dream to the first friend, the later was struck with wonder and told him, “Well, this is the process for transfer of Brahma Vidya. It has been manifested in your body spontaneously through the grace of your God-the-Preceptor. In the Gospel of Shri Ramkrishna, Thakur has kept one inkling of it by putting in saliva of his own mouth by his finger into the mouth of a true devotee’.A spontaneous manifestation about the process of transfer of Brahma Vidya took place in the body of the second friend.
 (311)     “If  a photographic plate is not covered with silver nitrate then
                     it  does not retain the image reflected thereon”.
Photograph---means body and plate---is mind.
Covered with silver nitrate---signifies innate heritage of love of God.
In the receptacle like this there occurs a spontaneous manifestation if it is heard from a man who is blessed with all these various aspects of realization.
(312)                 “A  child’s  love  for  his  mother”.
 It means to love God as a child loves his mother. It is called Santan Bhava. It was so with Thakur. He loved God as mother. It is one of the methods to get God expressed in oneself.
(313)               “A mother’s  love  for  her  child”.
It means to love God as a mother loves her child. It is called Vatsalya. It was the instance of Mary and Jesus and it has been so beautifully Painted and shown in several pictures of Europe by several immortal painters. In this way a man may get God manifested in him.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
291)     “This  path  of  devotion  is  the  easiest  one”.
True devotion is brought by a man long with his birth as a heritage . Its spontaneity manifests itself.
292)     “It  is  an  ‘ego’  of  a  child”
It is ‘I’ in the state of Paramhansa. It comes after liberation and it speaks only the glory of ‘Thou’.
293)     “Yes, ‘servant—I’, or ‘I am a servant to God’ ‘I am a devotee---this type of egoism;
              and  it not  faulty; on  the  contrary,  it  aids  one  to  attain  God  in  him.”
It is ‘I’ in the course of transformation of life—power. It is creating devotion and love of God in one’s body. It is not ‘I’ in the liberated state or ‘I’ to speak the glory of ‘thou’.
294)     “If  after  attainment  of  God  there  remains  a  ‘servant—I’, or a  devotee—I’,
               then  that  ‘I’,  cannot  do  the  least  injury  to  others”.
This ‘I’ does not contain the least animality in him. It is a vidine ‘I’ and it is only to witness God’s sportive forms and to speak out the joy and beatitudeness of their display.
295)     “A  touch  of  the  philosopher’s  stone  changes  an  iron
              sword  into  a  golden  one  and  it cannot  injure  others”.         
Firstly, it needs to be merged in no-ego-consciousness and to come down in Descent in the knowledge of ‘thou’ and also in the display of incarnation of God. Then there remains not a single iota of animality in the body. It becomes a holy receptacle for expressions and manifestations of God as seen in the photograph of Thakur in standing posture being transformed into God (Samadhi). It is called turning of the iron sword into a golden one.
296)    “A  boy  is  not  fastened  to either  of  these  three  qualities :
          (1)  Sattva—Goodness; (2)  Rajas—activity   and  (3)  Tamas—inertia”
297)     “A  child has got no  caste  distinction,  nor  hatred,  nor
              Sense of  purity  or  impurity  in  anything”.
In Paramhansa state, the eight knots located in the waist are cut asunder. It is so seen to happen within the body. If you attain Paramhansa state, your God-the-preceptor will come to you but with some defect in his  body and give you a very sharp weapon. With that weapon you cut asunder the eight knots of nerves (Astapash) in the waist. At the time you feel a physical sensation in your waist as well as in the cerebrum and it is clearly and distinctly understood that some changes are taking place in the brain.
298) “There are some who after being transformed into God,
Keep the                                keep the ‘devotee-1’  or  ‘servant-1 and live thereon”
 It is Descent.
299)            “Even  after  attainment  of  God,  there  remains
                        but  a  meager  tinge  of  ‘I’        
This is that ‘I’ who sees the display and ecstatic sports of manikin form (Manus Ratan) of God in him known as Avatar or incarnation of God.

Saturday, 15 August 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
281)     “For  a  bit  of  fleecy  cloud  the  sun  is  not  visible”
It is the entrance to the seventh plane when a thin silken curtain is seen hanging and sun is shining behind it,
282)     “The  cloud  is  removed  and  the  sun  is  seen”
The thin silken curtain is removed and God is shown by God-the-Preceptor in the seventh plane.
283)     “If  by  the  grace  of  God-the-Preceptor,
              ego  vanishes  then  a  man  sees  God”
The consciousness that ‘I-am-He’ springs up in a man and he sees that God and the Universe is within God. All these happen within him and his vision is confined within. Again, when he opens his eyes, he finds the Universe before him and it transpires that God-the-Universe within and outside are but identical.
284)     “God  is  nearest  of  all  to  us”.
God is within a man and he carries God within himself.
285)     “Each  additional  attribute  of  ego
              Tightens  the  bondage  of  a  man”
More the worldly senses grow, more the man is distracted from the path of God.
286)     :A frog  had  some  money  in  his  hole. One  day  an  elephant  walked  over  the  hole,
The  frog  in a  fit  of  anger  came  out, uplifted  its  foot  and  showed  a kick  to  the     elephant”
Wealth is another factor keeping a man in separation from God. Sometimes elephant, i.e., white elephant i.e, mind hankers after God, but the weight of wealth arrests its upward course.
287)     “The  light  is  seen  within  a lantern  but  it  cannot  be  touched”.
It is in the sixth plane that a lantern, with a light within, it seen.
288)     “This  ‘ego’ standing  between  man  and  God  keeps  them  in  separation”.
A tripartite distinction has been drawn here between man, ego and God. It is simply to make the thing clear. They are but three aspects of the very same thing. When the ego dies, a man is transformed into God. “The Primal force and the Supreme Self are identical.”---Shri Ramkrishna.
289)     “It  is  only  one  or  two  who, by  getting  themselves
             transformed  into  God,  can  get  rid  of  ego”.  
It is only one man in an era. Thakur was the sole man in his era.
290)     “If  ego  is  adamant  and  not  disposed  to  leave  you  at  all,  all  right
              let  the  rascal  remain  as  a  servant  to  God”.
This is ego of the sixth plane. It is here that God with form is first seen and a devotee surrenders himself to his deity.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

276)     “A  man’s  ego  vanishes  with  three  signs”.
As per Tantra it needs but three stages of realizations and a man’s ego disappears and disappears for good. They are:
(i)    To  see  God  with  form.
(ii)    To  witness  the  sportive  forms  of  in  the  seventh  plane.
(iii)    Lastly  to  merge  into  the  Great  Cause.
As per  Vedas,  three  signs  are :---
(i)  Knowledge, (ii)  Knowable,  (iii)  Knower. [Jana-Jyayo-Jnata - the Triputi (Three  in  one) condition]
God-the-Preceptor is Knowledge in person; God is the Knowable Object (Ishwar  Bastu  Lit; God—the Object); and Knower is consciousness. It comprises and comprehends seeing of God in the seventh plane as showed by God-the-Preceptor.
277)     “A  man  without  God’s  commandment  cannot  get 
             God  freed  from  the  body  of  his  disciples.”
A man can never play the role of a preceptor---Shri Ramkrishna.
If a man accepts any other man as a preceptor then that man will never be liberated from the bondage of body. The man who was got God’s commandment will appear as God-the-Preceptor within the body of a true devotee and teaches him all the processes of transformation of the life-power into the Supreme Bliss—the whole course of Rajayoga.
278)     “This  human  body  and  the  egousm  in  the  are
               but  the  causes  of  bondage (Maya)”.
A man thinks himself that he is this body of flesh and blood and the egoism in him leads him to the wrong course of asserting his superiority. Maya, literally, is illusion. It is the sense the Vedantists ascribe to her. But the whole episode of the mystery of Maya is solved in the Descent in the incarnation of God (Avatarbad). But Vedanta has no Descent or the incarnation of God in it. She is identified with a woman. This Maya has got for stages. They are ‘---
(i)    She exists.
(ii)   She exists and does not exist both at the same time.
(iii)  She is not in existence.
(iv) She is not in existence but also exists.
(i)   She exists---She is real in her Universal aspect.
(ii)   She exists and does not exist both at the same time---The continuous changes in the process of the transformation of life-power as seen with all her various aspects on her way till the evaporates.
(iii)   She is not in existence---It is but extinction of the sense of egoism.
(iv) She is not in existence but also exists---‘I am not but Thou’ “Thou art the Master. Thou art the Lord”. But there is a tinge of ego simply to speak out the glory of “Thou”. It is real love of God (Paka Bhakti) in the Descent.
Maya, in short, is but another aspect of God in which His various sportive forms get their manifestation and display. It is Maya which induces one to thank about God and ultimately she transforms herself into God, thus revealing her own true self as God with attributes, without attributes, and also in Descent as incarnation of God or Avatar.
279)    “This egoism  has  kept  everything  latent”.
It does not permit the true Self to get expressions in the form of reality. “When there is one false master (i.e.,ego) in the store, the real master does not come”.---Shri Ramkrishna.

280)    “Every  trouble  ends  when  ‘ego’ dies”.
It is to be merged in the Great Cause ( Sthita Samadhi). Descent is an extraordinary case and it seldom happens. It only happens to them who are specially marked for it by God.    

Friday, 17 July 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

270)     “He  alone  can  free  a  man  from  the  charm  of  illusion  (Maya)  as  it  is
              His  enchanting  illusion  which  has  kept  the  whole  Universe  enchanted
              with  the  most  charming  enchantment”.
Charming enchantment—is the unman body—the ego. This body turns in the fourth sheath as causal body. The causal body in its turn changes and appears as God with form. Then follows God without form. The Universe is seen within God without form. Then God turns into a seed. The seed appears as a dream. The dream vanishes and there remains no-ego-consciousness. Then flashes ‘I-am-not-but-Thou’. This state is liberation in life (Jibanmukti). Then starts the knowledge of ‘Thou’. God in the body shows his various sportive forms and these are but various conditions and stages of “I”. The “Thou” is changed into “I”.
271)     “A man’s real  religious  life  starts  after  attainment
              Of  God-the-Preceptor  in  his  body”

 At the outset God-the-Preceptor ushers in the body in the process of Descent (Nigam) and stops in the fourth sheath as causal body. Life-power in embryo at first gets awakened in the body of God-the-Preceptor. Without the body of God-the-Preceptor, life-power never awakes, nor she can have an upward motion.
272)     “They who  have  not  attained  God  in  them”
The attainment of God is firstly to see God in the seventh plane as shown by God-the-Preceptor and then to have the life-power transformed into Supreme Bliss.
273)     “They who  have  not  received  God’s  commandment”
The man who has received God’s commandment will appear as God-the-Preceptor to a real devotee. The devotee must have no previous knowledge of his God-the-Preceptor. The form of God-the-Preceptor is a real teacher; or in other words, it is God in human form.
“If you see me in dream to give you religious instructions then let you know that it is God speaking in human form”---Shri Ramkrishna. It is but a lower standard of God’s manifestation in the body as it has sprung up though coming in contact.
274)     “The man  who  has  not  strengthened  himself with  God’s  power”
The man must have the manikin form of God (Manus Ratan) in him, otherwise real power of God does not come in a man.
275)     “If  he  is  a  real  good  teacher”
It means God-the-Preceptor. God alone is good. It means Sat(Being) i.e., Asti(Reality). This Reality appears within the human form of God-the-Preceptor. It is the appearance of the invisible God without form in the body with form. In the words of the Vedas it is marking you as His special own.