Monday, 16 November 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

(322)           “Then  God  attracts  and  draws  the  mind
               as  a  magnet  attracts  and  draws  a needle”.
 Mind is another form of life-force and its upward course to the cerebrum it appears like an electric current in thbody. The mind is covered with dirt. The dirt is removed. The mind has taken an upward course. After various transformations, it takes the form of Atma in the seventh plane.

(323)            “Then  comes  ‘Samadhi’ and  ‘God  is  seen’.    

Samadhi---is one sense means transformation of life—power into God within the body.

First comes Unamana Samadhi. The life—power is transformed into a point made of God’s light at the middle of the two eye—brows. The scattered mind is collected, changed into a point and located between the two eye—brows. Then the mind enters into the seventh plane, takes the form of Atma and God i

(324)             “You  may  exert yourself  thousands  of  time  but 
                        without  God’s  grace  nothing  can  be  had”.

God can be had by the grace of God and not by self—exertion.

“Whom God accepts as a bride, He gives His grace to him and it happens with him”.

It means that it is with him in whom the life—power automatically is transformed into God. A devotee terms it as ‘God’s grace.’

(325)               “Ego  must  be  annihilated  in  toto”.

  With the annihilation of ego there comes a spontaneous revelation. Ego lessens in course of transformation and revelations come.

(326)               “The  egoism  that  ‘I  am  the  Master’
                         debars  one  from  seeing  God”.

In the course of transformation of life-power the egoism spontaneously evaporates. One need not exert himself to obtain this state; on exertion on one’s part can help him to obtain this disposition. As by God’s grace realizations proceed, so, in that proportion elimination of egoism goes on.

A man having no egoism is not conscious of his own state. It happens after obtaining complete and through Supreme Bliss. When a man becomes a teacher, he comes to understand this state. He talks about God and finds he is not talking, but God from within is talking through his organ. Thakur often used to say, “Mother, I do not talk, but you, from within, talk”.

(327)               “The  man  who  imposes  himself  as  master,
                          in  him  God  does  not  easily  appear”.

There is no room for two in the seventh plane. Two does not exist. Only one exist and that one is God. From one comes two and many.

(328)                 “God shines like the Sun of Knowledge. A single ray of 
                           His illuminates the world with the light of Knowledge.    
                           So one becomes conscious of ones own state in
                           comparison with others”.

God within is like the Sun of Knowledge. ‘I’ am but one of His rays and this ray appears direct from the Sun. ‘I’ and Sun have got direct connection. The sun bears and reveals the Universe. The Sun, the Universe and ‘I’ are interlinked and have got straight connection. This is not metaphor. There is no room for any kind of figure of speech here. It is seen and realized. The first one happens at the entrance to the seventh plane when the Sun is seen the Universe within God and this is ascribed as the beginning of special Knowledge about God. What is special Knowledge? What is God? He who holds the Universe within Him is God. But it is also only one aspect of God. The Universe is but a reflection in the mirror of ‘I’ .

(329)                    “In the dark of night the police-sergeant with a lantern
                       (lantern of the night-watch) in his hand goes his rounds.
                              No one sees his face.”

God is within you. He is witnessing every bit of your action. Nothing escapes him. But you are not conscious of it by an iota.

“The light of the lantern helps the police-sergeant to see everybody face, and all others also can see one another”

The mind of a man is in the outside. He is seeing the Universe and all else in the outside. It is God’s light enabling us to see everything but we are not aware that the light is coming from within.

(330)                    “Oh Sir, take pity, turn the light of Knowledge on your
                        own face and let me see you for once at least.

The mind is withdrawn from the Universe and kept confined in the body. Then 
follows realizations of God’s sportive forms in full measure, of course, by God’s grace, then seeing of the God (Atma)in the seventh plane; it is succeeded by ‘Supreme Knowledge’; again it turns into ‘Knowledge of thou’, subsequently follows Descent as in an incarnation of God or Avatar.

Police—sergeant---represents God. If God out of His grace reveals Himself in the human body then these sportive forms of God are seen and realized. Ultimately a man becomes God and the mystery of the human life is solved.

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