Thursday, 15 December 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

468. “While Arjuna was aiming at the target – the eye of a fish, his eyes were fixed on the eye of the fish and nothing else was in ken”.

It is an instance of Yoga taken from the great epic Mahabharata.
To shoot an arrow – means the motion of the Life Power, viz. Kundalini which shoots up in the Cerebrum like an arrow when she is awakened.
Target – is the center of the eyebrows.
Eye – is the third Eye lying latent beneath the eyebrow, It must be opened.
Fish – is the symbol of Atman.

469. “This state stops the breathing and Kumbhaka starts”.

Stopping of the outside breathing is an insignia of Kumbhaka. Kumbhaka keeps the body and mind in an equipoise state. It is an opportunity to the Life Power to shoot up in the cerebrum and to reveal new mystery of the human life.

470. “The insignia of the seer of God is that the Life Power rushes up from the lower zone to the seventh plane”.

Let somebody ask the seer of God, Have you seen God”? At once Mahavayu will start rushing up with great force to the cerebrum and the course of Mahavayu will be seen by the questioner and others to pass through the front side of the body. It writhes and vibrates the body and it will be observed by all those who are present there.
It is Brahma Vidya, the Supreme Culture. As soon as any specific characteristic of the culture will be heard its signs must be manifested on the body as they are concomitant factors. Otherwise, it is to be understood that the culture is not obtained.

471. “In this state, if Samadhi come upon the devotee, then he sees God”.

Mahavayu removes the cover of the cerebrum and God is seen.
“The wind shifts the layer of green scum of the tank aside and the water is seen”.
– Sri Ramkrishna

472. “In my uncle’s place the cowshed is filled with horses”.

Cow – is the symbol of animal passion. But the milch cow with a calf is the symbol of Avatar or Incarnation of God.
Horse – denotes motion and it is a symbol of awakened Life Power.
Life Power does not awake where there is animal passion. Incongruity does not give out the desired effect.

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