Tuesday, 2 May 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

502. “He effaces ego in one or two”.
In the era of Thakur we find one, and that is Thakur and the term two is used simply to denote humility.
“A ghost cannot seek out a comrade”. – Sri Ramkrishna
Ghost – is Brahmajnani, i.e. he is no more a man made of five elements, but he is Atman.
Atman - is One and there is no comrade for Him.
This is in case of an individual realization.
But in the Universalism it bears a different character and proof.
A man becomes Brahma. He is seen by thousands; nay, he is in every human being somewhere manifested, and in others – though they are the majority – in an un-manifested condition. When a man is one with all the living men in his inner self, the egoism automatically collapses. Egoism has its birth from the sense of difference and many.

503. “Nobody can really know God”.
God has innumerable attributes – some are known but the majority is unknown. We know God with attributes but God without attributes (Nirguna Brahma) is not known and unfathomable.
“No discourse can be held with Nirguna” – Sri Ramkrishna
The great Swami Vivekananda pointed out, “Where there is evolution there is involution”.
Yes, involution at the time of birth but enfoldment of the Life Power is evolution and this Life Power gives out more knowledge (Jnana) as it advances along with time.
As for instance, Thakur is the first man in the arena of the world to point out that to see God and attainment of Godhead are the sole aim of this human life; whereas, all the past teachers of the world give out moral codes for leading pious and holy life. As for Buddha, Nirvana is not in the lifetime, but at the time of death.
Attainment of God means to become God and its proof will be borne by thousands.
In the Upanishad it is declared “I am Brahma”, but no proof is set up; nay, it goes further and declares “I am All”. But it is declared by one and not by thousands. It failed to set up any proof.
It is Universalism which bears proof and not Individualism.
A man becomes God and there is no other God anywhere else; rather everything else in relation to God is but pure imagination. He is One and One only, and this Oneness as experienced by thousands taking place with Diamond is the only attribute. It is so endorsed in the Vedas – Ekam Sat – Sa Ekah.

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