Wednesday, 17 May 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

504. “An ant had been to a hillock of sugar. Did it need the whole hillock? A grain or two of sugar was sufficient”.
It is so spoken by Thakur of the Jivakoty or ordinary man.
Ant – is the symbol of Jivakoty.
Hillock of Sugar – the seventh plane.
An ordinary man reaching the seventh plane merges in it and does not return. Such a case has not yet been seen or heard of in our experience.
With us, we are ‘One’ in the spiritual world as it has been so declared by thousands comprising men, women, old, youths, children – the age varies from 92 to 4 years. As such, no question of Jivakoty or Iswarkoty arises here.
The greatest blunder which is made in the dualism is the creation of Jivakoty and Iswarkoty. This distinction between man and man in the atmic sphere is but a false data. In the Universalism Diamond is seen by one all proving the data ‘Thou art All’. The question of Jivakoty and Iswarkoty does not arise.

505. “Ours is the case of typhoid”.
A typhoid patient gets delirium. His idea in the brain runs amok. When a man thinks that he is the ‘body’ he is under delirium; whereas, in fact, he is Atman and to have it finished with the declaration of Jajnavalkya, the Rishi or sage of Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad to Usasta (the other sage), “Your soul is the inner self of all beings”.
Typhoid is really cured when a living man attains Brahmahood and becomes ‘Universalle-La’-Homme”.

506. “Like disease, like remedy”.
The only remedy of the disease is to take shelter at the lotus feet of God. These feet are seen. It is a convalescent condition. The typhoid may relapse. The safety zone is the seventh plane where again these feet are seen. It is called Parama Pada, the highest stage.
An aspirant may come down to the lower stage from the sixth plane but if he obtains the stage Parama Pada then there is no slip.
Parama Pada is the symbol of Paramatman or the Universal Atman in an individual aspirant.
But when one is actually transformed into Paramatman or Universal Atman or Self and he must be a man alive, then he will be seen by thousands within their own bodies. Now Buddha or Jesus or Ramkrishna is seen within; it is but Brahmalin condition; that is, they are merged in Brahma – a living man, and Thakur’s ‘Ma’ and ‘Ra’, God and the Universe within as realized, explains the things.

507. “Your entire responsibility will be His and He shall see to it”.
God in the form of God-the-Preceptor will appear within the body, i.e. as Satchidananda Guru and everything else will follow. The form of God-the-Preceptor should be the form of a living man and that is the best.

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