Wednesday, 2 August 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

520. “The sting of a venomous spider or scorpion cannot be cured by mere uttering of the magic words. It needs the application of the smoke of dried and burning cow dung cakes, the patient being covered with a blanket from head to foot”.
The sting of a venomous spider or scorpion – egoism or ‘I’-ness.
Cannot be cured – cannot transform the ego to God. To obtain Godhood is the only remedy.
Application of the smoke – awakening of Life Power or Kundalini. Smoke rises high up in the sky, so Kundalini rises to the cerebrum.
Cow dung cake – transformed form of the five elements. This human body is also made of five elements – a transformed form.
Dried and burning – when the body does not hanker after creature-comforts or so called enjoyments, the body is dried. ‘Chaitanya’ or ‘Atman’ in the body gets awakened and perforce trying to come out from the physical sheath to the sublet sheath, it is burning. A burning sensation is felt. It was so felt by Thakur. He was passing by the garden-house. As if, somebody threw a heap of burning coal over his body and he felt the burning sensation all over the body.
The burning sensation sprang up within his body automatically and he felt it. It was physical awakening of Atman and Atman is seen and so it is ‘Substance’. There was no other agent in the outside to throw the burning coal on the body of Thakur.
Patient – ego.
Covered with a blanket – Subtle body. The description is of the outside but really the subtle body is seen in the inside. Outside is used simply to denote the happening of the inside.
With outward symbols, the yogic conditions and actions are described.

521. “After a bath in the Ganges, it is certain, that a man is absolved of all sins. But it is of no avail. They say the sins rest on the top of the trees on the bank of the Ganges. No sooner the man returns after his bath they come back and take their seats on his shoulder”.
Ganges – Sushumna or the inner current of Life Power.
A man is absolved of all sins – he has taken a plunge in the seventh plane where the Ganges (a river) is seen to flow by many.
Tree – this human body.
Sins rest on the top – they are not annihilated (annihilation takes place in Nirvija Samadhi – eradication of the seeds of all the evil propensities of the brain), but they remain in concealment.
The whole episode is that a man may get taste of God in the seventh plane but he must keep on there for good and if he comes back he will get back his former self of animality. This is Vividisha and this is not correct. In the garb of Aryan culture, here an attempt has been made to insert Vividisha. But in the face of reality or Yoga the metaphor does not stand. It is out of God’s grace that a man is transformed into God and no variation can creep in. God is Omnipotent.

522. “The declaration of the dogmatists runs thus – “Well, look here, my religion is alone true and all else is false”.
It is of the deepest regret and a failure to declare such a thing. God induces him to make a parade of his own ignorance.
Religion is the manifestation of one’s own Real or Divine Self and it takes place automatically in a man and it makes him God. Universalism starts. The human race will see Him within and they shall announce “Thou art God”.

This is religion or in the language of the philosophers, it is evolution of the Life Power and its proof is borne by thousands.

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