Sunday, 4 March 2018


A day at Dakshineswar
Saturday, April 5, 1884
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

559. “Chaitanya means undivided consciousness”.

Undivided consciousness – means one consciousness, i.e. the same consciousness will be experienced by one and all.
Sri Thakur’s consciousness took the form of the Divine Mother, Bhabatarini in the temple.
Sri Chaitanya’s consciousness took the form of Sri Krishna.
Here the consciousness of Sri Thakur varies with the consciousness of Sri Chaitanya.
Why this variation?
It is not undivided consciousness. Atman in the seventh plane is but a ‘Light’ – Paramajyoti as pointed out in the Vedas and it is so in individual life.
But the Vedic version for the Universal Self – the living and identical form of a human being who attains Brahmahood runs thus – “Swena rupena abhinispadyate, esha atmeti”.
This is but undivided consciousness of ‘Oneness’ as it is experienced in the case of ‘Diamond’. A kiddy, four years old sees Him in the same form and reports it to his parents and an old man of ninety two sees him in the same form and reports it to his son.
Nay, it evinces a bit furthermore. The One and the same Atman is in every human being – from the days of yore, it is so heard; but it is never substantiated. It is proved with Diamond as being announced by a four years old kiddy and the old man of ninety two – as He is seen alike by the kiddy and the old man.

560. “Bahudaka and Kutichaka”.

Both the above terms are used for Sadhus.
Bahudakais one who drinks water from various holy places i.e. a sadhu who keeps on visiting various holy places.
Kutichaka - is he who has fixed his abode at a certain place and never leaves it.
Sadhu is he whom God-the-Preceptor has shown God and all else are but Sadhakas (aspirants).
Sadhu has seen God in his own body, i.e. in the cerebrum; so he has not to run hither and thither in quest of God. God he wants and God he has found within him. He comes to understand that God is nowhere to be found save and except in his own body. He is satisfied and is at peace. He becomes Kutichaka.
To visit various holy places in quest of God is but the ritualistic religion and it is the function of an aspirant. It transpires that he is not a Kutichaka, that is, who has not yet seen God and is dissatisfied with himself.
So far the surface meaning is alright but now to the yogic meaning.
Yes, God is in the body through and through like ivies on a wall (Alek latainvisible creeper). When God out of His own grace frees Himself from the body and gets collected in the seventh plane and He is shown by God-the-Preceptor to the devotee, then the devotee becomes Kutichaka spontaneously. But the thing is to come at the age of twenty five in the full bloom of youth, and not in the old age when infirmities of his own body keeps him confined at a fixed place.
Thakur says, “In fact, those who keep on moving from one place to another and make disciples are but men of lower order”.
Keeping the above statement in view, we find that all the teachers of the world from Buddha down to Thakur himself moved on preaching, doing propaganda, and making disciples.
Are they Kutichakas?
A real and full-fledged Kutichaka is not to move at all for propaganda purpose. He has seen God (sixteen annas) and he has become God and everything else is to be done by Mahayoga as in the case of ‘Diamond’.
“If publicity is given by God then it is real publicity” (as ‘Diamond’ is seen by thousands).
– Sri Ramkrishna
The publicity is given through Mahayoga uniting all into One in the spiritual world and that One must be a living human being.

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