Friday, 16 March 2018


A day at Dakshineswar
Saturday, April 5, 1884
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

561. “Once a bird sat on the mast of a vessel. The vessel sailed, crossed the mouth of the Ganges and came into the black water of the sea. It did not notice so long. The bird later became aware of it. It flew out north, east, south and west for land. No land would be found. It came back and sat quietly on the mast”.

Bird Atman in the seventh plane and mind.                        
Mast - backbone. It is very apt and befitting comparison.
Vessel human body.
The vessel sailed Life in a man running in quest of God.
Ganges Sushumna or the course of Life Power or Kundalini through the backbone.
Mouth of the Ganges Muladhar in the lower zone and Medulla oblongata with three currents of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna winding their courses to the seventh plane (the trident of Siva) above the neck.
Sea World in the outside and Brahma in the cerebrum. It was not noticed so long forgetful of oneself and God.
Became aware felt hankering after God.
It flew out north, east, south and west seeking God in the outside.
Land the safety zone the zone of no fear (Advaitam).
Came back nowhere else in the outside God was found.
Sat quietly saw God became God attained the stage of Kutichaka.
In vain, a man attempts to find out God in the outside world. You are to be transformed into God and a man being transformed into God becomes quiet and it is Kutichaka.

562. “What one seeks is very near him. Still he moves about hither and thither”.

The whole human race is running after God, though they are not aware of it. A man is born to become God and it is an innate urge but he can hardly understand it. His egoism or ‘I’-ness is the impediment to the evolution of the Life Power to get transformed into God. If this ‘I’-ness is effaced then automatic transformation of Life Power takes place. It is His Life Power reaching the cerebrum which is transformed into God and nothing else. If this transformation is to come, it comes from within and nowhere in the four quarters of the globe, it is to be had.

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