Wednesday, 18 April 2018


Chapter 17


74.     25th November, 1975.    

Early morning dream:  Diamond had come to his ex-dwelling place at Kadamtala, Howrah Town along with 2-3 companions. One unknown person came to me and said that Diamond was in search of me. I promptly got prepared to go to Diamond and within a very short time started for Diamond. Here the dream went off.

[To start for God-the-Preceptor means advancement of austerity or progress of life-force towards the dwelling place (i.e., cerebrum) of God.]


75.      5th December, 1975.  

Last night dream:    I saw someone was playing a khol (An indigenous drum) and I was singing a devotional song with a Khanjani (An indigenous musical instrument with two small metal discs). At this stage the dream went off.

[The dream reveals instantly like this; The devotional song by the seer indicates that in future he will have many realizations in his descent condition of austerity.

Note :  In future actually the seer had experienced innumerable realizations in descent.]


76.     7th December, 1975.   

Late night dream:    I was standing in front of the laboratory of the Agri-Horticultural Society of India at Calcutta, my ex-working place. Suddenly 3-4 young boys stood in front of me. One of them, a very strongly built body, came behind me and tore the back side of my shirt. The torn portion was hanging and I charged the boy. He said, ‘it was already torn, I tore the rest’. I caught him with an intention to punish him. But as soon as I caught him, all my grudge was wiped out and a feeling of love grew in my mind. It seemed to me as if the boy had long been familiar to me. The dream here went off and just at the moment of awakening, these words flashed in my brain. ‘Sadhana (austerity) of descent’.

[An unnatural feeling of divine joy used to play in me for a long time throughout the day, as an effect of the dream and realised that this dream was a corroboration of the previous dream.]


77.     8th  December, 1975.  

Early morning dream:  I was spending my time with many companions of Diamond in an unknown place , Discussion and reading of Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita were going on there .  Sometimes I was roaming casually here and there . In one place I observed a magician playing magic. From there I went to another place and saw  Anath Mondal and many other companions of Diamond reading books on Diamond (Jibankrishna ). I sat there and the dream went off.

This dream revealed the sayings of Sri Ramkrishna –‘After achievement of God the seer casually roams around the town for enjoying amusements’.


78.   9th  December,  1975.   

Early morning dream:   I was spending time at  Debkumar Choudhury’s residence where Kathamrita reading is going on—including enjoying snacks. After a while I saw myself in an unknown place and how I was present there was unknown to me. The place seemed to be of prehistoric age - a boggy place with dense forest. Suddenly an unknown voice entered into my ear—this is a place of prehistoric age. I was surprisingly thinking—I am now in prehistoric age! Then I climbed up a tree and reached a height of 6’-7’. Suddenly I noticed two creatures—half man half monkey, were observing me with great astonishment. Again the unknown voice told me, ‘These are Ape man’. Then all on a sudden the tree carrying me began to fly in the sky. It went on passing so many houses, places as well as time. I was enjoying this experience with great joy and fun. After some time I observed that it took me back again to the residence of  Debkumar Choudhury.

[The dream revealed the annihilation of time and space to the seer. Revelation of long past also indicates the powerful brain faculty and at the same time dream indicates one probability that the existence of human race was present from time immemorial.

79.     11th December, 1975.    

Early morning dream:  Very forcefully I was saying to one of my friend named Debasish—‘see, destruction is coming’—this sentence was uttered repeatedly by me without my own consciousness. When I came to normalcy, it seemed to me that some other force was talking through me. The dream went off.
[The dream revealed that the effect would come internally indicating the destruction of animal passion within the body of the seer.]


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

October 18, 1884

566. “Also a goat is to be slaughtered”.

Goat – is the emblem of ignorance. What is ignorance? Yes, a man is Brahma. But it is ignorance (Maya) which makes him think that he is this human body – a living hillock of flesh and blood. The Aryan culture taught him that he was Brahma. In course of time Tantra appeared and in spite of eliminating ignorance, it was introduced to sacrifice a goat in lieu, as if ignorance would be done away with it. Such is the striking difference between the Aryan cult and the later cults. By slaughtering a goat a man’s ignorance cannot be done away with. It merely pushes him on to make a parade of the ignorance.

October 20, 1884

567. “An Avatar is for the Bhakta and not for the Jnani. (God incarnates Himself for the Bhakta and not for the Jnani)”.

Avatar – an Incarnation of God.
Avatar appeared in the mythological era. It has its origin in the Dravidian cult or the Semitic cult. Hinduism takes in its fold the Tirthankars of the non-Aryan religion and the Buddha (an agnostic) of the Buddhism and speaks of them as Avatars.
With all its glories, Avatarism is but an Individualism and no proof of it is borne by anybody, save and except, that they themselves declare and declare that they are Avatars. Thakur himself declare, “An Avatar is Perfect (Siddha) by seeing the Descent and the manikin form within him – Pratyaksha Siddha”. Ram Babu and Girish Babu (devotees of Thakur) declared him as an Avatar. He criticized it and said, “What do they know of an Avatar”? Both Ram Babu and Girish Babu had an idea of Avatar from the mythology. To criticize them, it means that the mythological Avatars are not realities. Yes, Avatarism is but an individual realization and it is for himself and not for others. Even they have got so much peculiarities in their own lives that the general people cannot follow them. They may say, “Give up everything and follow me”. But hardly this idealism is copied and followed. These Avatars and Prophets, they are just for a band of people and not for the whole human race. It is their idealism, teachings and mode of living that brought discord, disagreement, disunion and division in the midst of the human race. The present uproar of dissensions raging in the surface of this earth are but due to this dualism or Avatarbad. Long long ago it was so pointed out by the sages of the Upanishads that those people who worshipped other gods save and except themselves were but beasts to be slaughtered in the sacrifice.
The Rishis were Dhiras Personified (coolness and patience). The term Jnani was introduced later on in the Hinduism. The followers of the Puranas (Mythologies) are called Bhaktas and those who followed the rational way of thinking as outlined by Sankar and other schools of thoughts, such as, Atmajnanis etc. were termed as Jnanis.
Religion is neither Bhakti (devotion) nor Jnana (knowledge by reasoning). It is realization and this realization must be Universal and then and then alone it is established and proved.
Avatar for Bhakta – Bhakta creates this Avatar in his spiritual life and then plays with his own spirit.
Not for Jnani – A Jnani worships himself. But this Brahma Vidya is not confined within this well of ignorance. This Supreme Cult of unification springs up with a single individual unit and then it envelops the world. It is so proved in our life.

568. “Two pieces of bleached short cloth”.

Cloth or linen or any kind of wearing apparel or robe seen in dream denotes human body.
Here short cloth (Tel Dhuti – small cloth used at the time of rubbing the body with oil before bathing) points out that the ‘I’-ness or egoism in the body is small.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018


Chapter 16


69.     19th  November, 1975 .    Early morning dream:  I was staying at our original residence of Santipur town on the 1st floor .I felt that some ghosts were also residing there. Suddenly the light became off. I got down to the ground floor feeling nervousness. But instantly I thought that I should go to the 1st floor to verify the matter . At the same time the recitation of the name ‘Jibankrishna’ (Diamond’s real name) was coming out of  my mouth—spontaneously. All on a sudden the lights were on at the 1st floor. Out of curiosity I went to see what happened and observed one unknown man sitting in a room. It seemed to me that all the men sitting on the 1st floor were dead. The continuous recitation of the word ‘God’ went on and then my dream went off.

[The dream signifies thus: Dead persons—old prejudices. With appearance of God within the body all these prejudices are removed.

It also reveals that in future, this residence will be a place for religious practices about Diamond and it came true after 9 years. Here Lots of people saw Diamond in dreams.]


70.     20th  November,  1975 .    Midnight dream:  I saw some notorious type boys standing in front of me . I explained to them many things about Sri Ramkrishna and Diamond. Lastly I told them; ‘God is within your body’. I noticed that all were listening to me with rapt attention. I finished my lecture and instantly realized, ‘Oh! So long Diamond was giving the lecture instead of me! The dream went off.

[The dream may have the effect in reality within the seer in future, whenever he says these words to anybody, they may see Diamond within them. But I never felt to experiment it.]


71.    21st  November,  1975.     Early morning dream:   I saw a large crowd sitting in a big room and I was also seated in front of them with fixed mind within myself. I felt that everybody was looking at me . I realized the reason. Then a familiar person named Manindra Nath Brahma started explaining to them about my very high status in the spiritual world. I felt embarrassing and thought why this person suddenly narrated my spiritual condition to these people! Instantly it became clear to me that the name of this gentleman is Brahma (Supreme One) and he was confirming that I had achieved Brahmahood (being united with the Supreme One).

The first scene here became off and the next scene opened with a boat carrying many companions of Diamond including me. I suddenly noticed two to three fishes swimming in the river Ganges just like pets. I was feeling a divine consciousness in one of the fish and also felt that I was that fish. With a great pleasure I was swimming in the river. But at the same time I was having this feeling that at the same time how could I swim in the river as a fish and was present here! How was it possible! Then the dream was off.

[Fish represents Atman or Soul, as in the 3rd plane Atman is seen as Fish . Here the soul is playing in the ocean of bliss. Here soul and body are separated.]


72.     23rd  November, 1975.     

In the early morning I had a dream . A bettlenut was placed before me . I took it in my hand and shook. It sounded like ‘khat-khat’. I was surprised hearing such type of sound and instantly it revealed in me that Sri Ramkrishna had mentioned (in Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna) such sound as separation of ‘Soul’ from the body and to teach me the bettlenut was kept in front of me. The dream then went off.

[The dream clearly indicates that the seer’s ‘soul’or ‘Atman’ is separated from the body through God’s sheer grace . The dream is also self-explanatory.]


73.     24th  November,  1975.    

At noon in trance I saw a huge monument. Sometimes it seemed to be vertical column, sometimes a monument. I began to count the number of stories and finished with seven. I realized that this monument was signifying the seventh plane of the human body and I was visualizing in such a way. At the top I saw the open roof and above it the clear blue sky. The trance went off.

[The trance is self-explanatory God-the-Preceptor teaches on such a manner within a dream or trance.
The roof signifies the cerebrum and the sky signifies infinity within a human body.]


A day at Dakshineswar
Saturday, April 5, 1884
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

563. “No invitation is required for one”.

There is no outward agency to help you. Here the principle chalked out by the Upanishad is fundamental “Whom Atman chooses, he gets it”.
Thakur at the age of eleven, while on his way to the village Anur, saw light within him. It was spontaneous. It establishes the saying of the Upanishad.
To the above I add my own personal experiences:
(i) I did never see the picture of Sri Ramkrishna but I saw him an unknown man at the age of 12 years and 4 months.
(ii) I did never hear the term ‘Rajayoga’ but I heard it in my brain at the age of 13 years and 8 months.
(iii) God can be visualized, I did never hear of God before but God was shown to me at the age of 24 years 8 months and so on is my further experiences.
(iv) Furthermore, to conjoin the Universalism as outlined in the Vedas followed by seeing God within, in the cerebrum.

September 23, 1884.

564. “There is a kind of rocket that gives off sparks in one pattern and seems to go out. But after a moment it gives off new sparks, pattern after pattern, as if there is no end of it. But there is one kind of rocket which when lighted, gives a dull sound, giving a few sparks and then goes out for good”.

Rocket Life Power.
Sparks realizations.
Pattern after pattern various kinds really they are innumerable and they are all so seen.
No end it is numberless. This is spoken of the Iswarkoty.
Dull sound, a few sparks In a poor way Life Power is awakened and realizations are but small. It is spoken of the Jivakoty. In individual realization such distinction is made between Iswarkoty and Jivakoty.
But from the experiences of thousands Jivakoty men, women and children, it transpires that there is no distinction between Iswarkoty and Jivakoty in the Universalism, because all of them see ‘Diamond’ within them and thereby they declare – they are all one.
According to the Vedas and it is de facto that every man is Brahma – Tatvamasi.
It is the very ‘One and oneness’ of Swami Vivekananda.
In other words, let you attain this Brahmahood and the human race seeing you within unhesitatingly, nay, willingly and joyfully will declare that in the spiritual world you are the whole human race.
October 1, 1884

565. “When the Lord appeared before Dhruva, (a mythological 6 years old devotee) he saw Him and noticed the ear-rings of the Lord were not moving. Dhruva said – Why are not your ear-rings moving? The Lord replied – If you make them move then they will move”.

The Lord appeared before DhruvaThe Lord came out from the body of Dhruva. It is seen that the Lord (of course, with form) comes out from the body. It was so spoken by Thakur on several occasions that Sat-Chit-Ananda came out from his body and talked with him.
If you make them move, then they will moveThe Lord says, “I am but your creation. You have created me; it is but manifestations of your Life Power in the causal body”.
An aspirant creates sand seas.
It is the Semitic religion. One imagines some form and that form comes out from his body and appears as a living one. Yes, this human body is so much so wonderful a thing, i.e. a man is Brahma and he has got such a wonderful creative faculty in him! But all these realizations cannot give him entire satisfaction. Some doubt in the long run crops up and lurks in the mind. Yes, such is Individualism.
It is Universalism and Universalism alone which eradicates all doubts. ‘Diamond’ is seen by thousands long long before they heard His name or saw Him. The difference between these two kinds of realizations is that the former one is a ‘set-up Siva’ and the later is the ‘Siva coming out after penetrating the bowel of the earth’.