A day at Dakshineswar
October 18, 1884
566. “Also a goat is
to be slaughtered”.
Goat – is the emblem of ignorance. What is
ignorance? Yes, a man is Brahma. But it is ignorance (Maya) which makes him think
that he is this human body – a living hillock of flesh and blood. The Aryan
culture taught him that he was Brahma. In course of time Tantra appeared and in
spite of eliminating ignorance, it was introduced to sacrifice a goat in lieu,
as if ignorance would be done away with it. Such is the striking difference
between the Aryan cult and the later cults. By slaughtering a goat a man’s
ignorance cannot be done away with. It merely pushes him on to make a parade of
the ignorance.
October 20, 1884
567. “An Avatar is
for the Bhakta and not for the Jnani. (God incarnates Himself for the Bhakta
and not for the Jnani)”.
Avatar – an Incarnation of God.
Avatar appeared in the mythological era. It has
its origin in the Dravidian cult or the Semitic cult. Hinduism takes in its
fold the Tirthankars of the non-Aryan religion and the Buddha (an agnostic) of
the Buddhism and speaks of them as Avatars.
With all its glories, Avatarism is but an
Individualism and no proof of it is borne by anybody, save and except, that they
themselves declare and declare that they are Avatars. Thakur himself declare,
“An Avatar is Perfect (Siddha) by seeing the Descent and the manikin form
within him – Pratyaksha Siddha”. Ram Babu and Girish Babu (devotees of Thakur)
declared him as an Avatar. He criticized it and said, “What do they know of an
Avatar”? Both Ram Babu and Girish Babu had an idea of Avatar from the
mythology. To criticize them, it means that the mythological Avatars are not
realities. Yes, Avatarism is but an individual realization and it is for
himself and not for others. Even they have got so much peculiarities in their
own lives that the general people cannot follow them. They may say, “Give up
everything and follow me”. But hardly this idealism is copied and followed. These
Avatars and Prophets, they are just for a band of people and not for the
whole human race. It is their idealism, teachings and mode of living that
brought discord, disagreement, disunion and division in the midst of the human
race. The present uproar of dissensions raging in the surface of this earth are
but due to this dualism or Avatarbad. Long long ago it was so pointed out by
the sages of the Upanishads that those people who worshipped other gods save
and except themselves were but beasts to be slaughtered in the sacrifice.
The Rishis were Dhiras Personified (coolness and patience). The term Jnani was introduced later on in the Hinduism. The followers of the Puranas (Mythologies) are called Bhaktas and those who followed the rational way of thinking as outlined by Sankar and other schools of thoughts, such as, Atmajnanis etc. were termed as Jnanis.
Religion is neither Bhakti (devotion) nor Jnana (knowledge by reasoning). It is realization and this realization must be Universal and then and then alone it is established and proved.
The Rishis were Dhiras Personified (coolness and patience). The term Jnani was introduced later on in the Hinduism. The followers of the Puranas (Mythologies) are called Bhaktas and those who followed the rational way of thinking as outlined by Sankar and other schools of thoughts, such as, Atmajnanis etc. were termed as Jnanis.
Religion is neither Bhakti (devotion) nor Jnana (knowledge by reasoning). It is realization and this realization must be Universal and then and then alone it is established and proved.
Avatar for Bhakta – Bhakta creates this Avatar
in his spiritual life and then plays with his own spirit.
Not for Jnani – A Jnani worships himself. But
this Brahma Vidya is not confined within this well of ignorance. This Supreme
Cult of unification springs up with a single individual unit and then it
envelops the world. It is so proved in our life.
568. “Two pieces of
bleached short cloth”.
Cloth or linen or any kind of wearing apparel
or robe seen in dream denotes human body.
Here short cloth (Tel Dhuti – small cloth used
at the time of rubbing the body with oil before bathing) points out that the
‘I’-ness or egoism in the body is small.
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