A day at Dakshineswar
Saturday, April 5, 1884
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
563. “No invitation is required
for one”.
There is no outward agency to help you. Here the principle chalked out by the Upanishad is fundamental – “Whom Atman chooses, he gets it”.
Thakur at the age of
eleven, while on his way to the village Anur, saw light within him. It was
spontaneous. It establishes the saying of the Upanishad.
To the above I add my own
personal experiences:
(i) I did never see the
picture of Sri Ramkrishna but I saw him – an
unknown man at the age of 12 years and 4 months.
(ii) I did never hear the
term ‘Rajayoga’ but I heard it in my brain at the age of 13 years and 8 months.
(iii) God can be
visualized, I did never hear of God before but God was shown to me at the age
of 24 years 8 months and so on is my further experiences.
(iv) Furthermore, to
conjoin the Universalism as outlined in the Vedas followed by seeing God
within, in the cerebrum.
September 23, 1884.
564. “There is a kind of rocket
that gives off sparks in one pattern and seems to go out. But after a moment it
gives off new sparks, pattern after pattern, as if there is no end of it. But
there is one kind of rocket which when lighted, gives a dull sound, giving a
few sparks and then goes out for good”.
Rocket – Life Power.
Sparks – realizations.
Pattern after pattern – various kinds – really they are innumerable
and they are all so seen.
No end – it is numberless. This is
spoken of the Iswarkoty.
Dull sound, a few sparks – In a poor way Life Power is
awakened and realizations are but small. It is spoken of the Jivakoty. In
individual realization such distinction is made between Iswarkoty and Jivakoty.
But from the experiences of
thousands Jivakoty men, women and children, it transpires that there is no
distinction between Iswarkoty and Jivakoty in the Universalism, because all of
them see ‘Diamond’ within them and thereby they declare – they are all one.
According to the Vedas and
it is de facto that every man is Brahma – Tatvamasi.
It is the very ‘One and
oneness’ of Swami Vivekananda.
In other words, let you
attain this Brahmahood and the human race seeing you within unhesitatingly,
nay, willingly and joyfully will declare that in the spiritual world you are
the whole human race.
October 1, 1884
565. “When the Lord
appeared before Dhruva, (a mythological 6 years old devotee) he saw Him and
noticed the ear-rings of the Lord were not moving. Dhruva said – Why are not
your ear-rings moving? The Lord replied – If you make them move then they will
The Lord appeared before Dhruva – The Lord came out from the body of Dhruva. It is seen that the Lord (of course, with form) comes out from the body. It was so spoken by Thakur on several occasions that Sat-Chit-Ananda came out from his body and talked with him.
If you make them move, then they will move
– The Lord says, “I am but your creation.
You have created me; it is but manifestations of your Life Power in the causal
An aspirant creates sand seas.
An aspirant creates sand seas.
It is the Semitic religion. One imagines some
form and that form comes out from his body and appears as a living one. Yes,
this human body is so much so wonderful a thing, i.e. a man is Brahma and he
has got such a wonderful creative faculty in him! But all these realizations
cannot give him entire satisfaction. Some doubt in the long run crops up and
lurks in the mind. Yes, such is Individualism.
It is Universalism and Universalism alone which
eradicates all doubts. ‘Diamond’ is seen by thousands long long before they
heard His name or saw Him. The difference between these two kinds of
realizations is that the former one is a ‘set-up Siva’ and the later is the
‘Siva coming out after penetrating the bowel of the earth’.
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