Friday, 4 May 2018


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

                                                        December 27, 1884

569. “Then for sometimes I remained losing myself in the indivisible Satchidananda”.

Of course, Thakur remained being absorbed in his own cerebrum or the seventh plane.
What is this Indivisible Satchidananda? He does not say anything about it. He remained being confined within his own body. He declares that it is Indivisible Satchidananda and we accept it. But it is Individualism. It leaves us in darkness. No bright sunshine is here.
In Universalism the human race gets the sunshine. The shape of a living human being becomes Indivisible Satchidananda and He shall be seen by thousands. How Indivisible? He is the very same person with one and all.

570. “The Gopis saw Krishna everywhere”.

Yes, it is so. The form of Krishna was in the eyes of the Gopis. So on whatever thing and on whichever side the Gopis cast their eyes, their eyes met with the form of Krishna. It was but reflection of their own eyes. Their eyes in turn got this reflection from their causal body. By always thinking Krishna, their causal body assumed, or better to say, was transformed into the form of Krishna. In the Upanishad (Chandogya) ‘Man in the eye’ was referred. It stopped there. The matter was not enlightened. Thakur referred the subject by saying the instance of the jaundice-eyed man. A man with jaundiced eyes sees yellow color on whichever side he casts his eyes. It is Individualism. The Universalism differs. ‘Diamond’ is seen by thousands before they hear his name even and not to speak of seeing Him. The form of Krishna is set up, whereas ‘Diamond’ is spontaneous.

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