Tuesday, 15 May 2018


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
December 27, 1884

571. “Some are born with the cell of knowledge (Jnani-Siva) in their brains and again some are born with the cell of devotion (Bhakti – Vishnu) in their brain”.
It is heredity and heredity speaks, that is, cell in the brain comes along with birth due to the temperament of the forefathers. There runs a proverb in India that it is due to the good work of the fourteen generations upwards that a descendent who may aspire to attain God, is born in the line. It is a biological development and evolution.
Siva (Jnana) – is that which unites all into one. Not in imagination, but de facto, all in the spiritual world will be transformed in spirit in the form of a living human being. Then alone he is to be reckoned as Jnani. As the light in his own identical form he casts in the body of each and every member of the human race and they see him within them and thus they enlighten themselves. Jnani has a see-saw way which covers him as well as the whole human race enlightening both the ways – ‘He’ and the rest of the human race. He shall be seeing all in him and all shall see him within them.
Vishnu (Devotion) – it is confined in individual life. A devotee alone knows what is happening in him. Its reality cannot be proved by him, nor, it can be read by anybody else.

572. “After drinking his liquor, a drunkard talks only about the joy of drunkenness”.
The term in Bengali is ‘mada’. It has got double meanings:
(i) One is egoism,
(ii) The second is liquor.
Drinking his liquor – annihilation of egoism.
Drunkard – an aspirant.
The joy of Drunkenness – talks of God only – the fountainhead of joy.
It takes place both in Ascent as well as in Descent. When the Life Power of an aspirant reaches the fifth plane, he talks of God only. In Descent, Sukdeva (of mythology) and Thakur talked of God only. In the former it is for individual benefit of the aspirant but in the later case, it is for the benefit of the mankind.
573. “Do you know how the Jnanis tend to move their Life Power? They want to fathom the mystery of their own-selves”.
Jnani in individualism is one who thinks and has a firm conviction that God is within him and not outside at a distance. In Individualism there are three divisions. They are: – 
(i) Ajnani or ignorant.
(ii) Jnani or man of knowledge. 
(iii) Vijnani or man with special knowledge of God or Self.
(i) Ajnani is one who points out God at a distance.
(ii) Jnani is one who has a sure conviction that God is within him though he has not seen God.
(iii) Vijnani is one who has seen God and entertains Him as a son, a friend, a lover.
The best example is Thakur and Ramlala and Sri Chaitanya as Radha and Sri Krishna as her (Sri Chaitanya’s) lover.
But all these attitudes are confined in Individualism where as aspirant creates and lives in his own domain. Its veracity cannot be gauged by anybody else. So far the individual is concerned he is all right. He enjoys the ecstasy, and it goes well with him, but it is nothing to anybody else. This is but a partial realization of Life Power and it is confined in individual satisfaction. In universalism we get a different story. Nobody else is Jnani save and except whom the world enlightens and makes Jnani by solving the mystery of relationship between him (Jnani) and the world. They shall be seeing him within and they shall declare – “We are one with you”. It takes place only in the spiritual world. Then the Self reveals that the whole human race with different forms and names irrespective of sex or age is but my own self – the Real Self – the shape of a living person – the Universal Self – The Paramatman.

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