Thursday, 16 August 2018


Chapter 25

 113.    24th April, 1976.  

Today again I had a realization in reality. After waking up, I felt that my eyes had become the eyes of Jibankrishna or Diamond the Holy Ghost. This condition persisted for a long time.

[This realization indicates that in future the seer will see everything in the eyes of Diamond.]


114,  26th  April, 1976. 

Early morning dream :  I got the information that Diamond had come again after his demise to his residence at Kadamtala. Many people were going to meet him. My father had already gone to him and made comments after returning, ‘Oh! What I saw! I never thought of it’! Saying this he was about to go for another work, but I prevented him and started talking about God to him. I also noticed that my friend  Nisith Bairagi,(who took me to Jibankrishna in early life had also gone to Diamond. I asked him, ‘Were there any of his companions’? He said, ‘all new people’. I asked, ‘Had he recognized you. As because he had returned after so long years’? He said, ‘Yes he recognized me’. Again I asked. ‘How did you see him’? He answered, ‘Just like a boy, there was no sign of old age’.

After this conversation, I thought whether Arun Ghosh had gone to him, because he was supposed to go . But immediately some thoughts came in my mind—‘If I go to him, I shall remain there forever, I shall not go anywhere’. But again I thought—‘Oh! Afterall Jibankrishna is our own man, of course I have to go to him, but I have to go to office to-day’! But instantly I said to myself—‘Hang it! Let everything be left, I shall go to him and remain forever’. While thinking all these, a sense of hilarity was playing in my mind and body, as because Jibankrishna had again come back after his demise, just like the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  But ultimately I could not see him. The dream went off.

[ Here the dream indicates that the seer, in future may lead a life with Jibankrishna only  Furthermore such long lasting and frequent accompaniment of the Holy Ghost is giving new spiritual energy to the seer and a feeling is always playing in his mind— a sound ‘Jibankrishna’ is emerging not only from his body but also from the whole universe. This type of feeling along with a continuous hilarity persisted for a month and then subsided down.] 


115.  27th April, 1976.   

Early morning dream:  I saw a very peculiar scene: A Marwari lady residing in a house in front of our residence came at the edge of their roof and suddenly dived with her head downwards. Then and there I heard a cracking sound of her head and body. Many people witnessed this incident but I sat unconcerned and emotionless. Here the dream went off. I woke up. But for a long period this cracking sound persisted in my ear.
[  Here the Marwari lady represents money which is detrimental to Yoga . Therefore, the Holy Ghost will eliminate these hazards from the life of the seer so that he may have scopes for more spiritual realizations.]

INDICATION  OF  REALIZATIONS  OF  ASCENT  IN  FUTURE                                          

116.  29th April, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  I had gone to  Khagendra Nath Ghosh’s ( Diamond’s companion) house . In the next scene I observed a huge mound. I went to the top of the mound and then through the other side I began to get down and reached a point from where the place was very steep. I did not dare to get down with a fear that I might  slip down. I waited for a few moments and saw many young boys at the base. Suddenly I noticed that a path for going down was automatically made and I went down immediately.

 [The dream indicates that the passage for descent (Nigam) becomes automatically clear for the seer for which he will have more and more realizations in descent during his austerity.]


117.   1st  May,  1976.  

Early morning dream:  I was severely undergoing vomiting and loose motion. Some people took me to hospital. I am surprised why did they take me to hospital! It seemed that I was attacked by Cholera. The Doctor came and gave injection. Thereafter I was released from the hospital. Here the dream was off.

[In reality also I had loose motion and feared about Cholera. But afterwards the condition became normal.

When new spiritual phases come this condition comes as it came in the life of Jibankrishna on 3rd June, 1958, when the individualism entered into universalism in him . Here in the seer there may be a change in his spiritual condition and moreover his restless condition gradually comes down to calmness.]


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

March 1, 1885

587. “A thunderbolt strikes a house and it cannot affect the heavy articles in the house but it makes the window panes rattle”.
ThunderboltSymbol of Paramatman or the Universal Self.
Heavy articleslower portion of the body from neck downwardsthe physical sheath and the subtle sheath.
Window panesfrom neck to the cerebrum, the causal body and the zone of Bliss with eyes and ears as the vibrations make their way into the seventh plane and create disturbance.
Thunderbolt – is the metaphor used in the Upanishad for Paramatman. But in the rituals it is used in a queer way. To worship Siva, ‘Bajra’ or thunderbolt in the shape of a flower with incantation of some holy words (Mantras) is placed on the head. Such is the difference between the ritualism and the Yogic realizations and what a wonderful degradation?
Yes, this Paramatman is seen in the seventh plane just like a brilliant flash of lightning to pass through the cerebrum. But it is Individualism.
In Universalism it is in the shape of a living human being and He is seen in the spiritual world by thousands and in some cases living at a far distance and without being previously seen.

588. “This very world is a fountain-head of bliss (mirth)”.
Yes, it is so. When a man becomes God this life appears like an ocean of ambrosia and he wants to have an eternal life. He does not want to part with the bodythe worldas he has become fully aware that this body is the primal cause for attainment of Godhood.
Even the Rishis of the ancient age prayed for an eternal life so that they may enjoy this unique bliss of life eternally. They prayed, “Take me from death to eternal life (Mrityormamritam gamayah)”.

589. “Put on shoes and walk on the thorns of the world”.
Shoes – Atman is Self and shoe is body.
Get yourself separated from the body then the body becomes shoes.
(To lose one’s shoes means to be devoid of physical sense – videha).
Thorns of the world – When Atman is separated from the body the troubles, anxieties and worries of the world cannot affect the mind.
In the Yoga it means separation of Atman and body. In the physical world a man wearing a pair of shoes can easily walk on the thorns. Whereas in the Yoga the body becomes shoes and Atman is wearer. When Atman and body are separated then the six passions – the thorns cannot do any harm as the passions along with the mind are subdued.

Friday, 3 August 2018


Chapter 24


109. 14th April , 1976.    

In reality  Mr. Indranath Mukherjee and I were staying  at Mr. Khagendra Nath Ghosh’s house at Saintha. At noon Mr. Mukherjee was reading the book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’(the Bengali version of the book ‘Religion and Realisation’ by Diamond picked up in the Street’). I was listening with great attention, and fell in trance.  Then suddenly the face of my youngest aunt appeared   hazily in front of my eyes, and it became gradually distinct. Then the trance was off.

[The name of Aunt is ‘Kalyani’ which means who creates goodness. This means the seer will have the blessings always by the body or ‘Adya Sakti’(The oldest power or another form of the goddess Kali’). Here the figure of a human face appeared before the seer, which means the seer is devoid of any prejudices of old religious traditions.]


110.   16th April, 1976.   Place:  Sainthia (Birbhum  Dist).

 Early morning dream:  Khagendra Nath Ghosh was saying --For sometime nobody will see him ( Jibankrishna) in dream.  I said, ‘how is it possible’? Still he said, ‘No, that will happen’. Here ended the dream.

[In recent days,  Khagen Ghosh was being frequently seen in dream by the seer . Khagendra means ‘Garura’,(a mythological hero of the Vedic era and his  great activities have been described in Purana mythology.Ultimately he got the boon of ‘Narayana’ or ‘Bhagaban Vishnu’ to become his Sarathi and was placed on the top of his Chariot) . The dream indicates that there is a possibility in future that the seer may achieve the attributes of ‘Garura’.

 In reality after 17 years, in a dream(21/9/93) the seer was really transformed into Garura and was announced by an oracle that the seer had become ‘Garura’. This means that the seer will achieve the attributes of Garura.]


111.     18th April ,  1976 .   After returning from  Khagendra Nath Ghosh ‘s house at Sainthia, I had a dream at night—Different types of figures of woman folks were passing by in front of  my  eyes. I was observing all these with thoughts that during the period of austerity these types of allurements come to the life of a seer! But  immediately I ignored all these and thought. ‘let these come and hang it’!

Thereafter he began to have discussions with one of my friend named ‘Siddhartha’ and then went to a house to see a known person named Bimala Kinkar whom I saw being trapped in some women folks . I was in a hurry to go to Taltala to meet Jibankrishna’s companions, so I started and went to a far-off house where I found Jibankrishna living in that house. I complained to him about the annoyance made to me by woman folks. Hearing this he came out of the house with a glaring and hard looking eyes. This expression revealed to me that he took charge of me with protection against all allurements.  With a great relief I started for Taltala and here the dream went off.

 [The dream reveals that during the period of austerity many such allurements will come but by the grace of the Holy Ghost all will be removed. The same condition came in the life of Gautam Buddha during his period austerity when he was known as Siddhartha In dream the friend Siddhartha explains the name-sake.]


112.  22nd April, 1976. 

Early in the morning when I was in a condition of waking up, suddenly the figure of  Mrityunjay Roy appeared before me in trance and then disappeared . Before this vision in the dream I had been to  Arun Ghosh’s residence where  Dhiren Mondal was also present.

[Here the trance indicates that the form of the seer’s figure may retain forever.]
  In recent days some realizations in reality appeared in me:

(1)         One day I had gone to Taltala. The day was cloudy. After sitting in the room for a while. I fell in a drowsy condition, my eyes began to close from time to time and it seemed to me as if something was happening in my brain, as if my brain was covering the whole outer world and everything was within my brain. This condition became clear when I came outside and was walking on the road. In a place some people were quarreling with each other and the seer with the same condition prevailing in the room felt as if they were quarreling within his brain—both outside and inside became simultaneous to him . This condition persisted for two more days and then became normal.

[After about two years of this realization the seer realized that this condition was described in Upanishad—the universe is within Atma orSoul. Whatever happens inside, simultaneously it occurs outside being projected by the seer. The seer had the same realization.]

I had another realization in another day in reality—After waking up in one morning, I felt that the name ‘Jibankrishna’ was automatically coming out of my mouth. After a while the name ‘Jibankrishna’ began to come out of my body like flowers pouring everywhere. A feeling of great calmness came in my mind. The previous realization was also experienced by Jibankrishna in his early years.]   


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

March 1, 1885

583. “Ravana said, ‘When Rama is seen within me, the most beautiful celestial women like Rambha and Tilottama (the most beautiful women in the mythologyof course celestial bodies) appear like ashes of the funeral pyre”.
Yes, Rama means One.
When one gets this Oneness within and this Oneness is corroborated by the members of the human race, then no other desire arisesthe mind is filled with the ambrosia of Onenessany and every kind of desire (Kama) disappears, not to speak of any distinction.

584. “To one who has seen the beauty of God (to see God means to become God), the berth of Brahma seems to be insignificant”.
Berth of Brahma – means the ruler of this Universe like Yehovah of the Jews or Jupiter of the Greeks.
The beauty of God is to be seen in the seventh plane as shown by God-the-Preceptor and then one becomes Self-alone (Advaitam) in the shape of his own identity and it is to be seen and heard from others. The thing must be taking place during the lifetime of the seer of God and then all else will appear ephemeral.

585. “Living in the midst of ‘Women and Gold’, it is absurd for a man to realize God”.
Really, no such binding exists. Because, “If God out of sheer grace frees Himself from the body of a man, then and then alone, God is seen”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
It is so in Individualism as well as in Universalism. ‘Diamond’ is seen by thousands without being heard or seen. Afterwards somehow or other, they come, see and corroborate. It is their consciousness or Life Power which assumes the form of ‘Diamond’ and they see Him.

586. “If anything is to be begged, then it must be begged of God”.
It is in the parable of ‘Akbar’, the Mogul emperor and Fakir (Hermit).
It is dualism and illusory. A real hermit will never want, no desire of entertaining his visitors will crop up in his mind and he will never come to Akbar to disturb him. Any desire in heart and he is far away from attaining Godhood.