A day at Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
March 1, 1885
587. “A thunderbolt strikes a house and it cannot affect the
heavy articles in the house but it makes the window panes rattle”.
Thunderbolt – Symbol of Paramatman or the Universal Self.
House – body.
House – body.
Heavy articles – lower portion of the body from neck
downwards – the physical sheath and the
subtle sheath.
Window panes – from neck to the cerebrum, the causal body
and the zone of Bliss with eyes and ears as the vibrations make their way into
the seventh plane and create disturbance.
Thunderbolt – is the
metaphor used in the Upanishad for Paramatman. But in the rituals it is used in
a queer way. To worship Siva, ‘Bajra’ or thunderbolt in the shape of a flower
with incantation of some holy words (Mantras) is placed on the head. Such is
the difference between the ritualism and the Yogic realizations and what a
wonderful degradation?
Yes, this Paramatman is
seen in the seventh plane just like a brilliant flash of lightning to pass
through the cerebrum. But it is Individualism.
In Universalism it is in
the shape of a living human being and He is seen in the spiritual world by
thousands and in some cases living at a far distance and without being
previously seen.
588. “This very world is a fountain-head of bliss (mirth)”.
Yes, it is so. When a man
becomes God this life appears like an ocean of ambrosia and he wants to have an
eternal life. He does not want to part with the body – the world – as he has
become fully aware that this body is the primal cause for attainment of
Even the Rishis of the
ancient age prayed for an eternal life so that they may enjoy this unique bliss
of life eternally. They prayed, “Take me from death to eternal life
(Mrityormamritam gamayah)”.
589. “Put on shoes and walk on the thorns of the world”.
Shoes – Atman is Self and
shoe is body.
Get yourself separated
from the body then the body becomes shoes.
(To lose one’s shoes
means to be devoid of physical sense – videha).
Thorns of the world –
When Atman is separated from the body the troubles, anxieties and worries of
the world cannot affect the mind.
In the Yoga it means
separation of Atman and body. In the physical world a man wearing a pair of
shoes can easily walk on the thorns. Whereas in the Yoga the body becomes shoes
and Atman is wearer. When Atman and body are separated then the six passions –
the thorns cannot do any harm as the passions along with the mind are subdued.
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