Thursday, 13 September 2018


Chapter 27

Increase of  spiritual  power

121.  9th May , 1976.    Early morning dream:  In the first scene Mr. Khitish  Roychoudhury and Mr. Arun Ghosh were seen. Discussions on spiritual aspects were going on with them. Nothing more were remembered.

In the second scene, I saw myself walking with Mr. Arun Ghosh at Dalhousie square area on their way of returning from the Raghunath Sen’s house at Taltala, Calcutta. Thereafter I became alone and stood at a place. Suddenly I saw a very fine thing coming out of my body and fell on the ground. I went on observing the thing and thought that this was a poison and came out of my body. Suddenly a voice was heard saying ‘This is also called metal poison. Then the scene changed.

In the third scene it was observed as if I ordered for my pajama (loose trouser made of thin cloth) in a tailor’s shop, and so I went to the tailor’s shop whether it was made. But the tailor showed me a very colorful pajama. I said, ‘this is not my pajama’. At this time my elder brother came there followed by the owner of the shop. I told the tailor about this matter but at the same time thought—‘oh!’ I have not given them the order for a pajama, then why should I come here!’ So I came out.
  The scene again changed and in the fourth scene I was hearing the voice of my elder brother saying that I ate hot chilies. Then and there elder brother said, ‘It is not enough’, Hearing this I woke up.

[Every scene has got meaning: The first scene indicates that the seer has got continuous practices on spiritualism; the second scene indicates that factors detrimental to spiritual advancement are being removed from the body of the seer; the third scene shows that the body of the seer is not yet ready for realizations under the waist; the last scene  indicates that the spiritual power although has been increased within the seer, yet more realizations will occur within him as is said by his elder brother or God .  Jibankrishna depicted elder brother as symbol of God as mentioned in the book ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna’.]

Fixation  of  spontaneous  recitation  of
Jibankrishna’s  name  in  the  brain       

122.    10th May, 1976.  

To-day as soon as I woke up early morning, spontaneous recitation of the name ‘Jibankrishna’ (Diamond) used to occur in my mind. During work it used to be stopped temporarily but as soon as I was off from the work, it used to continue and lasted for the whole day even during conversations with others. It stopped before going to bed at night.
This condition shows that the seer need not do anything with self exertion. Everything is spontaneous.

Accompaniment  with  devotees  and  spontaneous  
spiritual  practices   

123.       14th May, 1976.  Early morning dream:  Many devotees have come to my house. The prominent figures were Anath Nath Mondal and  Arun Mukherjee. Both of them could not come during a gathering in reality and so I was a bit worried. After a while the dream went off.

[The lacking in reality is thus fulfilled in dream, of course in the spiritual world.]

Indication  of  achieving  new  realizations

124.     15th May, 1976. 

Early morning dream:  During sleeping I turned from left side to right side. At the moment I fell into a half awakened condition, suddenly I felt a bursting sound inside my head as if the cork of a soda water bottle was opened.  For a moment I felt a slight nervousness, but immediately controlled myself. Thereafter two to three consecutive sounds were heard. Then I fell asleep.
[The dream signifies that some new cells in the brain have opened up for future realizations.]

Indication of high potentiality of brain power
and realizations in Ascent during Austerity              

125.      17th May, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  I was climbing up a hill top by a vehicle pulled by a number of horses. After travelling for a long distance I reached the hill top. That place was covered with fog. The vehicle stopped there. Then I climbed down to the other side and reached a house. But the owner of the house was unknown to me. Everything there was unknown to me. The dream went off.

The dream shows that the potentiality of the seer’s brain power has become very high as indicated by the horse-power. The fog indicates ‘Paramatma’  or Supreme Being and climbing down indicates that the seer in future will have the austerity in Ascent.

Accompaniment with  devotees  and  spiritual  practices

  126.      24th May, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  Many devotees e,g, Khitish Roy Choudhury . Arun Ghosh, Dilip Ghosh etc. had come to my house. All of them were on the roof . Dilip Ghosh seemed to be highly delighted. Everybody was enjoying with devotional songs and reading of the books Kathamrita etc. Here the dream went off.
[The seer is enjoying the spiritual practices even in dream as in reality]


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

Friday, April 24, 1885

593. “Restless, breathing hard, she looks towards the Kadamba grove”.

Restless – the awakened Life Power makes her slowly swing and sometimes makes her dance in a sitting position like a frog.
Breathing hardsign of yearning for God. The mind is at the middle of the fourth plane and the fifth plane in the heart. This hard breathing is the insignia.
Kadamba grovethis human body
(i) Sri KrishnaGod in the body.
(ii) Treeman, the best receptacle.
The Vaishnavas have compared their body with Kadamba tree as it is described in the Bhagavat and in other mythologies that Sri Krishna (the imaginary God with form) was fond of playing beneath the Kadamba tree and it was his favorite tree. So Radha looks towards the Kadamba grove as if Sri Krishna is hidden there.
“A man is the best receptacle where God manifests in the highest degree”.
Sri Ramkrishna
Looks towards the Kadamba groveher visions have turned towards the inside body in search of Krishna. A Yogi’s vision is confined in his body. God is to be seen nowhere, save and except, in the human body. The awakened Life Power in the Yogi turns the vision within and realizations of the manifestations of God take place. To see Sri Krishna is not the seeing of God. But it is seeing of Ishtathe imaginary form of Life Power after one’s own liking. It is not the seeing of God as specified by Sri Ramkrishna. The actual seeing of God will give its own publicity. If the seeing of God is in its full measure then He becomes God. To see God is to become God. This seer of God will be seen by thousands within them and in some cases He asserts Himself and declares, “Look here: I am God”. It is carried out in Mahayoga, having its origin from Mahakarana which cannot be fathomed. Here effect becomes the tangible cause. The whole system is an automatic, expressive manifestation of the Life Power. It has its birth in a single individual and in its full course, it unites all into One in the spiritual world.
Radha or any aspirant will get all the above signs of Yoga on the body and they will be marked by others.

594. “Is she afraid of the elders? Has she been possessed by a ghost”?

The proper reading should be:
“How is that? She is not afraid of the wicked elders. Has she got within any Devata (Divine power awakened in her)”?
The wicked eldersyes, passions of the human body are first to appear in the body. They have got a priority claim over the body and they are all wicked as they are the obstructions on the way of the attainment of God. Like parents and other superiors who have come first and I have come afterwards so the passions have come first and they are compared with the elders.
Has she got any Devata in heryes, her Life Power is awakened in her by the grace of God, so she sets at naught all the evil passions.

Sunday, 2 September 2018


Chapter 26


118.   3rd May, 1976.  

Early morning dream:   I am scolding a familiar person as he is giving a wrong interpretation on religion. My facial appearance was completely changed, My entity seemed to be like God. Meanwhile an unknown person came and said to me, ‘You have become God, still why are you saying in this manner’? But I did not listen to this and continued to scold that person and then the dream was off.

[The dream indicates the condition of the seer that he has achieved the God –
hood as is confirmed by an unknown person or God Himself.]


119.     6th May, 1976.   

Early morning dream:  A very huge building was seen. I used to reside at the top floor of that building . Some people came carrying a locker for me to keep in that room.  When I was going to enter the room, I felt the existence of a ghost in the room. At the first instance I became a little bit frightened, but ultimately I overcame it and entering the room began to scold the ghost to get out of the room. While scolding spontaneous uttering of the word ‘Jibankrishna’ use to occur within my body. Then the ghost gets out of the room. Here the dream is off.

[The dream indicates that all the past prejudices which are symbols of ghost are                                       
 eliminated from my mind  and more and more new realizations will occur in future ]


 120.     7th May, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  I got the news that Diamond (Jibankrishna) had come again to his residence at Kadamtala, Howrah. It seemed even within the dream that the Holy Ghost appeared again after his demise. I was living in my old residence at Kadamtala (When I used to reside from 1953 to 1962 when Diamond was alive and used to reside near our house). As soon as the news came I prepared myself for going to Kadamtala.At the time of going out it seems to me—Oh! It was out of my knowledge that Diamond has come! Otherwise I would have gone earlier. However at about 5-45 p.m. I had gone out for Diamond. As after long years I was going to his place, I cannot just remember where was the exact lane, but notice that the road is blocked in front. So I again came back and as soon as came near the lane, as if somebody pull me inside the lane and put me in front of Diamond’s room. There I saw Sudhindra Nath Sinha and  Indranath Mukherjee sitting inside the room . There were no other devotees. Mr. Mukherjee was reading Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita and Diamond was sitting on the floor near the door. I noticed that still then no arrangement was made for the cot and even his luggage did not reach. I was thinking that after so long years he had come, would he recognize me! But as soon as I reached the balcony and stood on the lane, Diamond exclaimed, ‘Oh! Come, come!’ Mr. Mukherjee said to  Diamond indicating me, ‘He is having plenty of realizations’. Hearing this Diamond said, ‘Oh! It is quite obvious that he is having plenty of realizations. He will have more and more realizations in future—He will have more!’ Hearing this my body sparkled. At this moment I noticed that Diamond’s body became much stronger. When, standing on the lane I touched my head on the balcony, with great affection Diamond  touched his hand on my head  and poured his blessings upon me. Mr. Mukherjee then made me a place to sit. Both of them then had gone inside the house for some purposes.  After taking Kathamrita  (The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna) I was going to start reading but failed to find out the same chapter which had so long been read by Mr. Mukherjee . Diamond said, ‘Well, let it be’. Then he started telling spiritual conditions of others. At the first instance he told me about  Sudhindra Nath Sinha—‘Well , you look after Sudhin’. I informed him about his family trouble going on at present  (In reality it was so). I said, ‘See, brother Abala (Mr. Abala Kanta Dutta) sometimes becomes  depressed and then again becomes alright’. He said, ‘He is not supposed to be in such condition’! Then he spoke about Mr. Khagendra Nath Ghosh of Sainthia, Birbhum, ‘Once I told him to come to Calcutta, but he did not do (In reality he said to Mr. Ghosh to reside at Calcutta). I became more curious about hearing many other’s spiritual conditions from his mouth, but suddenly the dream was off.

[In this dream the spiritual conditions of some devotees are revealed to the seer by the grace of God-the-Preceptor and at the same time the blessings of the Holy Ghost pour upon the seer indicating his achievement of more and more realizations in future.]


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

Friday, April 24, 1885

590. “MShall we give her milk of green cocoanut, Sir? ThakurBetter to give her drink made of sugar candy”.
To drink the milk of green cocoanut – when an aspirant’s realizations of the Tantras are complete, he shall see it in a dream or in a trance – he is drinking the milk of green cocoanut from the shell.
Sugar candy – Brahma.
Drink made of sugar candy – it is Bhakti or the juice of Hari – Harirasa.

591. “I like to see, you two argue, but no compromise, please”.
As long as there are two, so long there is argument. But when one, there is no argument – Advaitam. Yes, everything stops functioning.
No compromiseReligion is a positive thing and never admits of any compromise, either yea, or nay. Either you have seen God or you have not seen Godthere is no half-way measure.
Religion is a positive thing and in individualistic religion it cannot be so proved but it bears its own proof in Universalism. Yes, in Individualism it is confined within one individual and the rest of the mankind have got to believe him, whereas in the Universalism, the people realize and they speak.
Universalism means the seer of God becomes God and attains Godhood and the proof it bears that He will be seen by thousand others within their bodies and they shall announce it – the most wonderful positive proof and something unique in its character as it never happened in the annals of the world.

The Yogic form of Kirtan of Chandidas

592. “A hundred times each hour, in and out of the room she goes”.
SheRadhamind or Life Power.
Out – the seventh planethe Varanasi of Siva which is counted by the Yogis as in the outside of the world.
A hundred times each hour – Every now and then the mind is going up and coming down. The mind or Kundalini or Life Power leaves the body and goes to cerebrum but cannot stop or rest there as it is the beginning of the process of getting oneself transformed into God.
Radha or an aspirant has got the taste of Godliness as Yoga has awakened in the body. When Yoga awakens in one, these outward signs are also seen to manifest over the body.