Sunday, 2 September 2018


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

Friday, April 24, 1885

590. “MShall we give her milk of green cocoanut, Sir? ThakurBetter to give her drink made of sugar candy”.
To drink the milk of green cocoanut – when an aspirant’s realizations of the Tantras are complete, he shall see it in a dream or in a trance – he is drinking the milk of green cocoanut from the shell.
Sugar candy – Brahma.
Drink made of sugar candy – it is Bhakti or the juice of Hari – Harirasa.

591. “I like to see, you two argue, but no compromise, please”.
As long as there are two, so long there is argument. But when one, there is no argument – Advaitam. Yes, everything stops functioning.
No compromiseReligion is a positive thing and never admits of any compromise, either yea, or nay. Either you have seen God or you have not seen Godthere is no half-way measure.
Religion is a positive thing and in individualistic religion it cannot be so proved but it bears its own proof in Universalism. Yes, in Individualism it is confined within one individual and the rest of the mankind have got to believe him, whereas in the Universalism, the people realize and they speak.
Universalism means the seer of God becomes God and attains Godhood and the proof it bears that He will be seen by thousand others within their bodies and they shall announce it – the most wonderful positive proof and something unique in its character as it never happened in the annals of the world.

The Yogic form of Kirtan of Chandidas

592. “A hundred times each hour, in and out of the room she goes”.
SheRadhamind or Life Power.
Out – the seventh planethe Varanasi of Siva which is counted by the Yogis as in the outside of the world.
A hundred times each hour – Every now and then the mind is going up and coming down. The mind or Kundalini or Life Power leaves the body and goes to cerebrum but cannot stop or rest there as it is the beginning of the process of getting oneself transformed into God.
Radha or an aspirant has got the taste of Godliness as Yoga has awakened in the body. When Yoga awakens in one, these outward signs are also seen to manifest over the body.

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