Saturday, 2 March 2019


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna Dev as a Hindu

1. Sri Ramkrishna: – “In the present era the Vedic Principle is obsolete”.

Sri Ramkrishna means to say that the Vedic Principle is a by-gong thing. It does not function now. The spontaneous evolution of the life power does not come upon a man in this era.
The Vedic principle is a gift of nature. Every man, from his very birth, carries it in his body in embryo. Nature finding a congenial human body as a field to flourish in, flourishes in full-fledged form with the motive of uniting “All into One and One into All” and thus creating “One World” in the Atmic Zone of the mankind, not in theory, but in actual fact. Furthermore, it evolves, manifests, and establishes itself in thousands of other human bodies bearing its own proof i.e., the Vedic Truth, evincing that the attainer of the Truth is the Supreme One.
The selection of the human body depends upon the nature inherent in a man. Thus Nature selects, operates, manifests and showers the bliss of Atmic Oneness upon the humanity by bringing unity in diversity – the eternal craving of the humanity with which every man is born. Rather it is the sole purpose for which a man is born as a man and to make “One World” not in theory but in reality.
The Vedic principle has two aspects. One is confined in an Individual and the other one is Universal. When it remains confined in an individual it is imperfect and the Vedas do not reckon it.
When individual experiences are perfect, it becomes Universal and then it is reckoned by the Vedas, because it brings perfection which means “One and Oneness”. Its veracity and proof will be borne by thousands. Nay, not only this, but it showers a world of bliss upon the humanity by uniting them into one, that is Atmic Oneness with the form a man alive whom Nature selected for this very purpose.
It is Nature’s creation. Nature wants to make an advancement in the evolution for the benefit of the humanity. ‘One World’ is created hereby in the Atmic Zone within the human body.
By this Oneness, each and every problem of the mankind will be solved. Man will forget his lower self and in its place in every breath of his life he will give out divinity (Devah Sa Ekah), that is, he is the same self as of the rest of humanity. Nay, a bit more, he is in every man. His every effort and every action will be conducted imperceptibly, rather spontaneously towards goodness, for he, by this Oneness, has become “Brahman” or “Perfect” or a “Cosmocrat” – in the Vedic language, “Vashi”.
This is the practical, realistic, pragmatic, rationalistic, existentialistic and factual aspect of the Vedic principle.
Sri Ramkrishna by his negative attitude wants to do away with cosmic law innate in a man, but the Vedic principle is a cosmic law of Oneness and it makes a man Cosmocrat.
Thousands and thousands of man seeing “Diamond” within their own bodies together with their families, relatives, neighbours and friends come, speak and announce that the Vedic principle is ever victorious and stands good eternally.

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