Wednesday, 13 March 2019


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna as a Hindu

2. Sri Ramkrishna: – “It is so spoken in the Vedas that when a man’s mind reaches the seventh plane he gets Samadhi. It is Samadhi which annihilates the ego.

Where does the mind normally rests? The mind lodges in the first three planes – the organ of evacuation, the organ of generation, and at the navel. Here mind is engrossed in worldly pursuits, woman and wealth. The mind moves up to the heart and rests. Here the light and cries out – “What is this?” The mind moves upwards and rests in the throat. Here the aspirant likes to talk about God and hear only about God. Up the mind rises in the sixth plane, in the forehead between the eyebrows. Here he finds the light of Sat – Chit – Ananda and feels a keen desire to touch it and to embrace it. But he fails. It is exactly like light seen to burn with a lantern but it cannot be touched. It transpires as if it is not so. In the seventh plane, when the mind stops nobody can speak of his experience as it cannot be spoken by tongue”.
The above is but a very meagre, indistinct, a distant touch and very lean outline of the Vedic principle and experiences as given out by Sri Ramkrishna to his disciples and to the humanity abroad. Only the term plane has been used and the experiences described are really to be reckoned as no experience at all when compared with the full-fledged form of experience when the life power marches on to the cerebrum and is transformed into God – “Param – Jyotih” (Supreme Light) and thereby the person gets Samadhi.

The Vedic Principle (Mantra) in relation to it runs thus: –
evam eva esha samprasadah
asmat sharirat samuththaya
swena rupen Abhinispadyate,
esha atmeti hobacha,
etad brahmeti, tasya ha va
etasya brahmano namo satyamiti
(Chhandogya Upanishad – 8/12/3)

The literal translation of the above principle is: –
And thus this blessed one rising upward from within his physical sheath is transformed into the Supreme Light and he by appearing in his very identical living form as a man made of God’s light within the bodies of numberless people evinces his attainment of the Supreme Light.
The form appearing within myriads of people is called Atma, Abhayam, Amritam and Brahma. This is the eternal truth.
(A) Sri Ramkrishna does not raise the question of Samprasada at all. Samprasada means the blessed one in whose body the Supreme One assumes a human form made of God’s light, comes down to him and takes him to the Brahmapura i.e., the cerebrum. Each and every operation takes place within the body. Furthermore, it is spontaneous. No Vedic principle is ever manifested, nor does it operate or flourish in the body of a man without being a Samprasada. This is fundamental.
Sri Ramkrishna leaves the vital issue in darkness.
(B) Rising upward from within the physical sheath of the blessed one or Samprasada.
To rise upward and to get oneself transformed into the Supreme Light means to pass through five sheaths or Koshas and seven planes.
Five Koshas: –
i) Annamaya Kosha is the gross physical body.
ii) Pranamaya Kosha is the sheath where the vital force accumulates and is seen.
iii) Monomaya Kosha is at the heart.
iv) Vijnanmaya Kosha starts from the throat and comprises the seventh plane where God is shown by the man who comes down from the Brahmapura.
v) Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath where the Samprasada changes into bliss alone.

Furthermore, there are seven planes in the five Koshas. They are: –
a) Annamaya Kosha has got no plane.
b) Pranamaya Kosha has got three planes.
They are: –
1) Organ of generation.
2) Organ of evacuation.
3) The navel (abdominal region).
Experience: – Bluish gargling water with moonbeams dancing therein is seen in the right side of the abdomen. The human body is the earth element and water, another element, has separated from it.
c) Heart is the fourth plane called Monomaya Kosha and here light is seen.
Experience: – Radiant light or fire is seen.
Fire – Another element. In the Vedic term the whole course of manifestation and transformation is also called – Agni Vidya.
d) Vijnanmaya Kosha has got three planes – fifth, sixth and seventh.
i) Experiences of the fifth plane –
a) Ardhanarishwara – half man and half woman.
b) The sky is seen. The sky seen within is the same as the sky seen in the outside.
ii) Experiences of the sixth plane –
a) Two circles (of light) come out, one from each eye settles to become one in the middle of the eyebrows, which is the Jnananetra or the eye of knowledge.
b) The mysterious Maya in the form of an exquisitely beautiful woman of a light blue complexion and dressed in pansy blue dancing in a slow rhythmical measure, with the tip of the thumb resting in the middle of the eyebrow and eyes looking down, her person exuding heavenly bliss all around.
c) Radiance of a rising sun behind a thin silken curtain. So we find one sun in the sky outside and another sun in the cerebrum inside. The Universe and the human body both tally here.
iii) Experience of the seventh plane is God as shown by God – the – Preceptor who descends in human form Brahmapura (that is the cerebrum). At this stage, special knowledge dawns on the seer – he comes to know that he is God. Here we find that the seer becomes identical with God and the Universe.

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