Thursday, 18 April 2019


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna Deva as a Hindu by Jibankrishna or Diamond

4. Sri Ramkrishna – “Why does a man of special knowledge (Vijjnani) live a life of devotion? Reply to it is that “I” or ego never leaves a man. Yes, in Samadhi “I” does not exist but when a man comes down from Samadhi “I” comes back”.

Here also, Sri Ramkrishna fails to give out the Vedic principle of the Universalism. He remains confined in his own body, that is Individualism, and it is not reckoned by the Vedas...
Whereas, Swami Vivekananda says “You must liberate the whole Universe before you leave this body and then only you shall be established in the eternal bliss”.
What is this eternal bliss? A man becomes Brahma. He is but ‘One’ and He becomes one with the whole humanity by installing Himself within the bodies of all human beings – it is “Para – Kaya – Praveshana”, that is, to enter into the body of another and the humanity gives publicity to it. It evinces that “One is All and All is One”. Brahmahood never remains confined in Samadhi as is depicted here by Sri Ramkrishna. On the contrary, the Vedic principle does not remain hidden but it is ventilated through the five elements in the most mysterious way which cannot be fathomed; nay, a bit more, the most mysterious achievement which is a unique one as there is nothing else which can sustain comparison with it.

5. Sri Ramkrishna – “In the Vedas He is called Brahma, in the Puranas He is called Krishna and in the Tantras He is called Shiva”.

Who is this “He”? This very indefinite “He” is the greatest deviation from the Vedic principle. With all its glory and grandeur this very “He” is but a hypothesis and has directed the humanity into a zone of darkness to grope for ever and anon. The history of the mankind bears the testimony.
Whereas the Vedic Truth declares – “I am Brahma”. It is not an empty solace or compromise or meaningless utterance but bears its own proof through the agency of the humanity.
If this Brahmahood or Para Vidya (Supreme Cult) spontaneously manifests itself in you then your attainment of Brahmahood will not remain latent or concealed in you. Wonderful is the method of publicity as it will be speaking within thousands and they shall be crying out in one breath and in one voice – “Thou art the Supreme One” – that is a living man is Brahma.
The operation is carried on through the agency of the five elements – (i) Earth, (ii) Water, (iii) Fire, (iv) Air, and (v) Sky. But the base of every iota of anything concerning this Para Vidya rests on the Raj Yoga spontaneously revealed in the body.
Sri Ramkrishna does not speak anything to clear the idea of “Brahma” as in the Vedas, though thousands and thousands of years ago the Vedic Rishis declared it openly and very cordially to the humanity – an eternal Truth – the secret of the summum bonum lying in every human being – that man is Brahma. It is obvious how Sri Ramkrishna fares in comparison with the old Rishis who elevated the mankind to the highest level and the data is substantiated even now in the present era with a definite proof. The proof is carried en masse. Krishna of the Puranas is but a poetic creation of imagination and is based on idealism, but this idealism, is of a magical order, nay, in short, it is rather a hotchpotch.
Shiva, the maker of the Tantra, of course, as a matter of fact bears variegated attributes but at the same time he is adorned with a yoga of a very lower order, such as Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, and Laya Yoga. This is the creation of the anti-Vedic school who revolted against the cosmic law of spontaneity. By self-exertion they wanted to reach their imaginary destination and this procedure has created millions of evil practices in the midst of the humanity making them more miserable and giving them a scope to bring out their animality in lieu of their divinity though they are “Amritasya Putrah” – children of the perennial bliss!
We find that Krishna and Shiva are creation of myths whereas the Vedic Truth is eternal and it is the characteristic of every living human being.
Sri Ramkrishna wanted to place the Vedas, Puranas, and Tantras on the same level contrary to the Vedic Principle. And furthermore, it kills his “Avatarism” because there is no room for “Avatar” in the Vedas. On the contrary, the Vedas preach “Oneness” – which was the sole prayer of the old Aryan Rishis.

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