Thursday, 15 December 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

468. “While Arjuna was aiming at the target – the eye of a fish, his eyes were fixed on the eye of the fish and nothing else was in ken”.

It is an instance of Yoga taken from the great epic Mahabharata.
To shoot an arrow – means the motion of the Life Power, viz. Kundalini which shoots up in the Cerebrum like an arrow when she is awakened.
Target – is the center of the eyebrows.
Eye – is the third Eye lying latent beneath the eyebrow, It must be opened.
Fish – is the symbol of Atman.

469. “This state stops the breathing and Kumbhaka starts”.

Stopping of the outside breathing is an insignia of Kumbhaka. Kumbhaka keeps the body and mind in an equipoise state. It is an opportunity to the Life Power to shoot up in the cerebrum and to reveal new mystery of the human life.

470. “The insignia of the seer of God is that the Life Power rushes up from the lower zone to the seventh plane”.

Let somebody ask the seer of God, Have you seen God”? At once Mahavayu will start rushing up with great force to the cerebrum and the course of Mahavayu will be seen by the questioner and others to pass through the front side of the body. It writhes and vibrates the body and it will be observed by all those who are present there.
It is Brahma Vidya, the Supreme Culture. As soon as any specific characteristic of the culture will be heard its signs must be manifested on the body as they are concomitant factors. Otherwise, it is to be understood that the culture is not obtained.

471. “In this state, if Samadhi come upon the devotee, then he sees God”.

Mahavayu removes the cover of the cerebrum and God is seen.
“The wind shifts the layer of green scum of the tank aside and the water is seen”.
– Sri Ramkrishna

472. “In my uncle’s place the cowshed is filled with horses”.

Cow – is the symbol of animal passion. But the milch cow with a calf is the symbol of Avatar or Incarnation of God.
Horse – denotes motion and it is a symbol of awakened Life Power.
Life Power does not awake where there is animal passion. Incongruity does not give out the desired effect.

Sunday, 4 December 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

465. “Fettered one is Jiva and freed from fetters is Siva”.

A fettered man is Jiva and this very man when freed from fetters is Siva.
Every ordinary man is a Jiva.
Who is this Siva?
Thakur while in a boat passing by the bathing platform of Manikarnika (name of the bathing platform on the Ganges) in Benares saw Siva standing on the river with all the graveness of the world. The image slowly came and merged in Thakur. Is this Siva? No.
It is but a reflection of the causal body of Thakur. This causal body within casts its reflection on the eye in the river bank and so Siva was seen by him. Nobody else on the bank or in the boat saw Siva.
This form of Siva was but an imagery.
Siva is He who brings ‘Unity in Diversity’?
How can this be achieved?
When a Jiva becomes Siva, this comes automatically. This Siva in the form of the very same Jiva will be seen by thousands and thousands of men, women, children and old men, even thieves, rouges, rascals and the vilest criminals included and they will announce the truth and the mystery of the human life as done in the Svetasvatara Upanishad by the ancient Rishis, “Thou art man, Thou art woman, Thou art boys, Thou art girls, Thou art the very old man tottering on the stick, and verily, Thou art the whole human race”.
This is Siva by establishing Oneness in the shape of a living person within every human being.
It exceeds the ‘Practical Vedanta’ as pointed out by Swami Vivekananda (vide the dialogue between the disciple and Swamiji in Vol. VII, page 161 of his Complete Works – Mayavati edition).
Truth is One. It concerns the human race and its proof will be borne by them.

466. “By an un-diverted devotion to God a man may get Bhakti”.

Even this devotion or Bhakti cannot be had without Yoga and that Yoga must be spontaneous.

467. “To attain ‘Pure Love’ in ecstasy to God is a rare thing”.

Bhakti is no more a devotion but now it is love and a pure one.
Nowhere in the Bhakti Sastras. i.e. in the scriptures dealing with devotion to and love of God, ‘Pure Love’ has been properly described. Only the popular idea and imagination have been set forth.
By Mahayoga ‘Pure Love’ can be asserted by transforming others into one’s own self in the spiritual world. A man becomes God. God is love. This love asserts itself by transforming in the spiritual world within any and every man by placing his own God-self in the shape of his own living person.
Yes, it is the highest manifestation of Pure Love which has never been evident in the annals of the world.
No, it was not established by any of the past teachers of the world such as Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha down to Ramkrishna.
Only it was announced in the ancient era of India – “I am one, but I shall be many”.
Though the announcement was made but it was left unrealized and unproved.
It is realized and proved now.

Thursday, 17 November 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

459. “So long, the spring was under cover”.
The Life Power was in a dormant state but now she is awakened and rising up to the seventh plane.

460. “It is very hard to do good work without any selfish touch in it”.
No work can be done without any self-interest in it. It is but a self-deception and a false consolation that a good work is done without any self-interest in it. Yes, teachers like Buddha, Jesus, Sankar, Sri Ramkrishna taught the human race. But their case was absolutely different from others as they had God’s commandment.

461. “But after seeing God, a man may do good work being totally unselfish”.
This is a different kind of work. Work of this kind is done by the great teachers like Buddha, Jesus, etc. This is to kindle the thirst for God in a man. By Thakur also it is so done. It is to pass one’s day in the company of real devotees and to speak to them about God’s sportive forms as seen and realized in the body.

462. “Monks for their livelihood will depend absolutely upon God”.
Monks will be satisfied with whatever they get without any effort or self-exertion on their parts. But it is an old monkish course and it has been discarded by Thakur. He often said, “A clerk was sent to a jail. He was put in chains there. After sometime he was set free. He came out from the jail. Now, what would he do? Would he keep on cutting capers in the street? Certainly not. He would try and secure a clerk’s job somewhere and lead an ordinary simple life like others”. The parable means that a man after liberation leads an ordinary, simple and pure life. There is no special privilege for him as a liberated one. It is Brahma Vidya, the Supreme Culture and culture is for the sake of culture only.
Then what a real devotee will do for livelihood? He shall be earning his own livelihood in the best possible honest way.
Thakur at first was but a paid priest in the temple of Dakshineswar. Later on, he was pensioned. He used to say, “I live on pension”.

463. “They (monks) should not lay by for the morrow”.
No hoarding for the morrow. The father has taken the kiddy by the hand – no fear for a slip. The Father in the body will conduct your life in such way that there will be no accumulation for future but at the same time, you shall not be in want.
“A trained dancer dances in rhythm”.
 – Sri Ramkrishna
464. “Let love of God manifest within, work ceases concomitantly”.
True and real love to God cannot grow without being seen.
Faith may create an imitation of love but it fails to produce the desired effect.
Here ‘Love’ is Prema – a yogic term. It was seen in Sri Chaitanya who forgot the world and even his own dear body.
The yogic form of Prema as manifested in the body is described below:
When Mahavayu makes its course through the front side of the body and gets up into seventh plane and Samadhi follows it, then the following signs in the body are manifested and seen:
1. The breast heaves heavily.
2. The body writhes.
3. Like a rope the Mahavayu rises from the abdomen. “Prema is like a rope with which God is tied”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
This state is visible even to those men who sit near the attainer of Prema. Furthermore, whenever the attainer will like to have this state, it will come upon him and will be seen by others. 

Thursday, 3 November 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

454. “Firstly of the first, I have secured a room”.

Room – signifies space for holding Atman or God in the seventh plane.
The sentence means that he has got God’s grace.
How will a man know that he has got God’s grace?
At the outset he will get God-the-Preceptor in him. This is but the first condition of getting God’s grace. The final state is that your own prototype will come out from your body and will say to you, “Well, well, there is God’s grace on you” – i.e. you are Kripa Siddha.

455. “I have kept my bag and baggage”.

Bag and baggage – stand for this human body with all other attributes.
This body is but a burden. After emanation in full measure of God from the body a man understands that the burden of his body is removed.

456. “I have locked the room”.
Room – here means the cell in the cerebrum where appears the sense that ‘I am body’. This sense that ‘I am body’ has evaporated as God has emanated in full measure from his body.

457. “I have been relieved in toto”.

I am a liberated one. The liberation has two stages: –
(1) To see God in the seventh plane and to be conscious that ‘I am He’.

(2) The second one is the Descent in the knowledge of ‘Thou’ after the knowledge of ‘I’ or ego is totally annihilated.

There is another kind of realization which is seen by a liberated one. Though it is a poor one but it is acknowledged. Your shadow will come out from your body and with uplifted hands, he will dance before you saying, “Well, I have been liberated, I have been liberated”.

458. “Now I am going round within the city, seeing and enjoying all the funs”.

It means to be in the seventh plane where the mystery of God, illusion, the living being, and the Universe are solved.

Friday, 14 October 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

452. “Milk is to be kept in a quiet place, then it will set into curd, and butter is to be churned from it”.
Milk – represents blood of the body.
In a quiet place – means withdrawing one’s mind from the world and keeping it confined within body when mind will be quiet.
Set into curd – means when blood in the body will be in a balanced condition and at rest.
Human body gets these conditions when God emanates from the body.
Now churning rod is required for getting butter.
Life Power is the churning rod.
Butter – represents God in the seventh plane.
Life Power churns the body and gets herself transformed into God in the seventh plane.
“Then the venom of the snake falls down in the skull”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
If milk is churned into butter within twenty five years of age then and then alone a man gets butter.
“You have got to pay in full measure, if you want to purchase a commodity in full measure”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
Butter – Atman – God emanates in full measure when this human body is in a full-bloomed youth. A man’s full-bloomed youth is twenty five years age. This calculation has been left by Thakur.
“If a son urges vehemently for his share on his father and mother, then the parents in consultation with each other give out his share some two or three years beforehand”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
‘Father’ – is God, the Absolute, in an unseen and unattached condition in the body.
‘Mother’ – is this human body.
God, the Absolute, through this body manifests Himself and He is seen.
The fixed age is about twenty five years. Thakur got the Divine Mother (Atman) between the age of twenty two and twenty three. If two or three are added to twenty two or twenty three then it becomes twenty five. The exact time is twenty four years and eight months.
A man obtains his God-the-Preceptor at the age of twelve years and four months. At the age of twenty four years and eight months he gets and sees Atman, God, in the seventh plane. It takes twelve years and four months in the body for God’s manifestations and realizations in multifarious conditions in the process of transformation of Life Power into God.

453. “He was with his bent-down head”.
This bent-down head signifies that Life Power has concentrated and made her passage through the medulla oblongata to the cerebrum and thereby the nerves there have been slackened, so the head is bent down.

When Buddha used to be out with his begging bowl for alms, he was found to be walking with his head fixing his eyes on the toe of his bent-down feet. It was the sign that his Life Power entered the seventh plane slackening the nerves of his neck.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

447. “A man attains devotion and knowledge”.
What is devotion and what are the realizations and manifestations of devotion in the human life and body?
(a) It is to attain God-the-Preceptor first. Then Life Power awakens. By awakening of Life Power, devotion establishes itself in the body. It is but the beginning.
(b) Establishment of devotion in the full-fledged form is to obtain the manikin form of God engaged in prayer by clasping his hands within oneself.
What is Knowledge and how a man will know about attainment of knowledge?
(a) To see God in the seventh plane as shown by God-the-Preceptor is the first stage of Knowledge.
(b) ‘I am not this body but I am He’ – is the second stage.
(c) The final stage of Knowledge is at the outset of Descent when it spontaneously bursts out “I am not Thou”.

448. “After attainment of knowledge and devotion a man may live in the world and the world will not be able to tarnish him”.
Here it is spoken about Supreme Knowledge.
After attainment of Supreme Knowledge a man lives but he does not lead an ordinary man’s life. He lives, he eats, he sleeps and by God’s commandment he becomes a ‘man-catcher’ as Christ told Peter.

449. “The sticky milk of a Jackfruit will not stick to one’s hand if the Jackfruit is broken after rubbing one’s hand with oil”.
Oil – is the second symbol by which the Supreme Consciousness is revealed in the human body. It is so seen by a man that he is rubbing his body with mustard oil which has got a reddish yellow color. The real ‘Supreme Consciousness’, Chaitanya, flares up in a flame of brilliant red light in the seventh plane. ‘Honey’ is the first symbol by which Chaitanya is represented.
Jackfruit – represents this human body. A jackfruit has got several sheaths. This human body has got five sheaths and in these five sheaths God expresses Himself in several kinds of realizations.
Sticky milk – is attachment to the world.
A man after attaining Supreme Consciousness may live in this world as his life is a life of the liberated one.

450. “In a game of hide and seek, if the ‘granny’ is touched then one is safe”.
Game of hide and seek – is three qualities or strands (Triguna) known as Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
Sattva is represented by white color and it means quietness or wisdom.
Rajas is represented by red color and it means restlessness or activity.
Tamas is represented by black color and it means lacking in alertness. It is inertia and dull.
Granny – represents God.
The three qualities or strands are but thieves in the game ‘hide and seek’ in the body as it is they who keep God (granny) hidden from coming within view.
A man must overcome these three qualities or strands and then he shall be able to attain God in him – an ever blissful state.

451. “Let you turn into gold by once touching the Philosopher’s stone; then you may remain buried underground for thousand years and after that when you are taken out you will remain gold”.
Gold – represents God – Atman in body.
If God out of grace once emanates from the body in full measure and is seen in the seventh plan then He will never come back again into the bondage of the body.
If Supreme Culture is once attained then it does never get extinct. It is sheer God’s Grace and God’s grace is perpetuated. 

Friday, 2 September 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

442. “A learned ignorance is the end of philosophy and the beginning of religion”.
A philosopher wants and attempts to attain God through learning. He fails. It hits him in his egoism. But it cannot extinguish his real egoism. Real egoism dies when Life Power is transformed and becomes visible in the form of God – Atman, and ego-consciousness changes and becomes identical with God-consciousness.
Beginning of Religion – starts with the appearance of Satchidananda Guru – God-the-Preceptor in the body. It is a positive aspect.

443. “There are some who are born free – Nitya Siddha”.
They are born with such a pliable body that God in their body is liberated spontaneously; of course, it is a rare thing, but it happens. It so happened with Thakur at the age of eleven.

444. “Those who have got such a waist where Life Power gets awakened spontaneously are Iswarkoty”.
The first awakening of Life Power in the body takes place below waist and then she makes her way through the backbone to the seventh plane.
There are two kinds of Iswarkoty.
(1) “Some bamboos have got bigger hollows in them”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
‘Bamboo’ – represents backbone.
‘Bigger hollow’ – represents the tubular space in the backbone.
In an Iswarkoty, the hollow in the backbone is bigger than any ordinary man.
But this kind of Iswarkoty is Iswarkoty in name only as their realization and emanation of God is their body are meagre.
(2) They are real Iswarkoty who in Descent see God-consciousness coming down from the seventh plane to the waist. It is the full-fledged form of Iswarkoty. Then he becomes aware that he is an Iswarkoty.

445. “I gave up everything at the feet of Divine Mother but I could not give up Truth to Her”.
God is Truth and Truth is God.
Truth or Reality or God is in Thakur. He sees and feels this Reality with every breath. So this Truth or Reality or God cannot be parted with. This Truth manifests in everybody external life. Thakur gave up ‘Woman and Gold’. It manifested in his everybody external life. It often so happened with him that with the appearance of a woman before him, he got Samadhi and thereby used to lose his consciousness. As for gold, if a silver coin were placed in the palm of his hand, then his hand would get paralyzed, his breathing would stop and he would feel pain and these changes in his body would not come back into normal condition till the silver coin was removed.

446. “It is very hard for a man to discharge the duties of a house-holder after liberation in full measure as well as separation of God from the body”.

A man with these conditions in him attains the Supreme Knowledge. After attainment of Supreme Knowledge, a man lives only to see the sportive forms of God in him. So far the material world is concerned, he merely lives. Thakur used to say, “I shall eat, I shall sleep and I shall live”. But ultimately it does not remain so. He gets God’s commandment and becomes an universal teacher, nay more than that – an Administrative General in the spiritual life.

Monday, 15 August 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

436. “Sometimes, a devotee laughs, weeps, dances, and sings”.
These are all outward signs of manifestations of insignia by which an Avatar is known, as it happens with Avatar only. It is called Urjita Bhakti or devotion in the Flow-tide form. God incarnates in a man. How am I to know it? This laughing, weeping, dancing and singing are the outward manifestations of God’s incarnation in a human being.

437. “A man of knowledge (Jnani) wants to realize the Supreme God”.
This type of man wants to see and attain God by self-exertion. No attempt on a man’s part can enable him to see God without God’s grace.
Furthermore, he is the man of knowledge who has been God in the form of Atman in the seventh plane and is able to identify himself as one and same with Atman at the annihilation of the body-consciousness.

438. “God is for a devotee and He is full of innumerable attributes”.
God becomes Bhagawan when He holds the Universe within Him. This condition of God may be seen in the Personal God as well as within Atman. To see the Universe in the personal God is a lower type of realization in comparison with seeing of the Universe within Atman.

439. “In fact, God without attributes and Life Power are identical and one”.
It is God without attributes who becomes God with attributes. It is seen and understood in Descent.

440. “It is God, Absolute, who has become Blissful Mother”.
God, the Absolute and this human body are identical and one and the same in different aspects.
“Semen is so soft and fluid and from it this hard and stiff physical body is made”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
441. “Pure Knowledge and Pure Love are identical and one”.
It is only different nomenclature as ascribed. There is but one God. God appears in the body in various sportive forms. They are seen. Love begets a form made of light as it is self-creation; whereas Man-of-knowledge is seen by innumerable members of the human race within their own bodies bearing proof that it is man who becomes God. This realization is spontaneous.
The question of Pure Knowledge and Pure Love does not arise.
“Atman, God or Brahma – they are one”.

Monday, 1 August 2016



MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

431. “As the ocean is approached by the river, the force of flow-tide and ebb-tide is increasingly felt by her”.
Ocean – is God, the ocean of Bliss.
River – is Life Power.
Flow-tide and ebb-tide – are the outward sings of manifestations of God in the body and they are seen.
The inward transformations of Life Power get their expression over the body. It so happened with Thakur every now and then. In successions he used to have Samadhi of various forms and in every case of Samadhi, his outward expressions altered and they were visible.

432. “In ‘Jnani’ (man of knowledge), the river flows only in one direction”.
A man of knowledge (Jnani) wants to get himself merged in the First Cause. They did not get their five sheaths separated in their body. Neither they realize the sportive forms of God as Life Power after undergoing transformations assumes and appears before a devotee, nor they are acquainted with the mystery of God, illusion, living beings, and the Universe. The best example was Sri Totapuri Maharaj who stopped with Thakur for eleven months in the temple of Dakshineswar. Totapuri Maharaj had no knowledge of Primal Power (Karan Sarir – the Causal body, the body made of God’s Light i.e. God with form). Yes, Totapuri Maharaj was a man of very high order and merit but his realizations were short. A Jnani’s realizations are not in full measure. This is Laya Yoga or Life Power running towards void zone or annihilation.

433. “To a man of knowledge (Jnani) the Universe is like a dream”.
Who is a man of knowledge?
He, who sees God in the seventh plane and becomes conscious that he is not body but God (Atman), is a man of Knowledge.
It happens only with Avatar – the chosen man of God. All others simply pretend to be a man of knowledge.
To see the Universe like a dream is the fourth stage of realizations when Atman in the seventh plane opens Himself to show His real Self, i.e. He is with attributes and forms. Without any knowledge of God with attributes and form a man cannot have knowledge of God without attributes and forms. So to say that the Universe is like a dream is a pretension and imagination.

434. “A man of knowledge always remains in the Real Self”.
To a man of knowledge, the Real Self is the Absolute. It never happens with a man save and except in the last course of Samadhi known as Sthitha Samadhi.

“Well, the ego-consciousness never leaves one”. – Sri Ramkrishna

435. “To a devotee, realizations of God do not remain closed but they unfold. He gets flow-tide and ebb-tide of realizations”.
Flow-tide of realization – is to see the different sportive forms of God and ebb-tide of realization – is to witness the finer forms of God in the course of transformation to the Absolute such as seen in the enfoldment of Atman. God-the-Universe changes into a Seed, and the Seed into a Dream and after Dream, nobody knows what remains.

“A devotee at first sees glorious God with form and with glorious attributes, then the attributes of God with form lessen, then He turns into a baby form and finally He becomes God’s Light”. – Sri Ramkrishna