Thursday, 18 December 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
168)     “Whom  I  see  that  he  has  got  no  yearning  for  God”.
Thakur used to get the appearance of the man within his own body and then he could read very easily their mental disposition. It is but a bubble of getting God within oneself. The world is in God. The man before Thakur is part and parcel of the world. So Thakur gets the man in him and comes to know everything about him.

169)     “If  I   find  man  involved  in  gross  worldliness”.  

A gross worldly man may be tested in a funny way. Let you talk about God before him and he will leave the place at once. The physical formation of the gross worldly man is so that God does not emanate from his body.

170)       “If  a  worldly  man is  asked  to  renounce  everything  and  get  himself  whole-heartedly  engaged  in  devotion  of  God  then  he  will not  pay  the  least  attention  to  your words”.

If a worldly man asks another worldly man to be a real devotee of God then it will not do any good . Mere words cannot produce any effect. Of course, it was different thing with Thakur or any Avatar. Simply if anybody comes in contact with them and here about God’s sportive forms in the body from them then they in no time shall get their inner self transformed into God according to the capacity of their body. “If God out of sheer pity frees Himself from the body then there is liberation.”       

171)       “Nitai (The  first  disciple  of  Sri  Chaitanya)  somehow  or 
               other  used  to  induce  a  man  to  repeat  God’s  name”.

 Nitai made his disciples indiscriminately. This indiscrimination gave out a bad effect . It could not produce a real devotee, the gift of Avatar of the era evaporated for want of a real devotee .

Who is a real devotee?

He is a real devotee whose form you will within you in meditation or at any time . God within you assumes that form and makes you acquainted and reveals the real state of the man. On the reverse again, the real devotee will get and see you in him. Thus on both sides there will be such revelations and then both of them will come to know their real respective nature.

172)       “God’s  name  has  got  its  own  charm”.

God and God’s name do not carry any distinction or difference . A devotee finds that the name of God assumes the form of God. Let you repeat the name of Jesus with all devotion, then God in you takes pity. He will appear before you in the form of Jesus, he will show you His sportive forms, will give you instructions and talk with you . It will be similar in case of Mary (Mother of Jesus), Buddha, Lao-tzse, Zoroaster, Mohammed and Shri Ramkrishna . It will reveal to you that every human form on the face of the earth is God, but with a marked distinction that in some His power is manifested in a greater degree and in some in a less quantit , in some as good and again some bad.

173)       “God’s name  may  not  in  some  cases  produce  any  off-hand 
                result  but  it  is  positive  to  bear  fruit  in  the  long  run”.

The Supreme Cult never leaves a man . It never gets destroyed or evaporated . It is God’s grace and it is sure to bear fruit in its own time.

174)      “In  the  cornice  of  a  building  a  seed  was  left . In  the  course  of  time,
               the  building  crumbled,  the  seed  fell  on  the  earth, germinated  and  bore  fruits”.

You get the seed of God’s name. The seed may not germinate at once . But it is sure to germinate, become a tree and bear fruits. This is not a mere simile or analogy . This tree is seen at the end . It is one of the sportive forms of God. Some see it as banian tree and some again as mango tree . A mango tree is better than a banyan tree. A banyan tree indicates merging into no-ego-consciousness and there is no Descent. But a mango tree with green and ripe fruits of big size indicates Descent. As without Descent the complete and thorough mystery of this human body cannot be realized.

Friday, 5 December 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

163)                “Like  Vedantist  (non-dualists)  you  do  not  say
                         That  the  world  is  but  a  dream”.

Why those devotees do say so?

They are not blessed with this realization as they did not see God and there was no chance for them to do so. They are aged people. Had there been any chance for them to realize God then that would have come to pass at their youth within 25 years of age.

At Surendra’s (Suresh Mitra’s) house after the boat trip

164)                 “Have  the  fare  from  the  ladies  of  the  house .For  certain,  they  must  be  knowing  that  their  husbands  (Suresh Mitra & others)  pay visit  to
us  at  the  temple  of  Dakshineswar.”

It means transmission of power from to one another and it speaks wonder .

In our case we find that husband comes and he see the “Diamond”---in the shape of my own person---within, and then other members of the family see me in the following four forms;---

(i)    In  dream.

(ii)    In  meditation.

(iii)   In  an  awakened  condition—as  a  living  man .

(iv)   In  trance.

It was not so in the time of Thakur.

Even the wife of Suresh Babu during the life—time of Thakur made a different preceptor or Guru.

165)               “There hung  on  the wall  an  oil-painting  and  Surendra  got  it  painted  specially  for  him  (Surendra). In  the  picture, it  was  so  pointed  out 
by  Thakur  to  Keshab  about  the harmony  of  all  religions,  viz.
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,  Hinduism, and also in other sectarianisms
such  as,  ‘Vaishnava’,  ‘Sakta’,  ‘Shaiva’, etc”.

It was but a picture—a creation of imagination .

“Many have admitted that all the religions of the world are right”--. Swami Vivekananda (The ideal of a Universal Religion).

Whereas, when a man becomes God, any member of the human race coming in contact with Him will see Him within his own body, and even in many cases without any contact they see Him. The question of religion, sect, caste or creed does not arise (vide Preface, page-17). This is harmony. This is Swami Vivekananda’s Point of Union” for which he laid down his glorious life, though it did not come into existence in his own life-time.

The great Swami exclaimed that no practical plan was adopted by any to bring about this harmony in the conflux of the claim of superiority and disparity over other religions.

In Volume II of the complete works of Swami Vivekananda [Ninth (Enlarged) Edition, 1958—published in Mayavati, Almora, Himalaya], the great Swami says, “That plan alone is practical which does not destroy the individuality of any man in religion and at the same time shows him a point of union with all others”.

No practical plan can be chalked out . This harmony is achieved through Mahayoga---the ‘Great Yoga’ which evinces that “All is One and One is All”---only in the spiritual world within(Vide Introduction, Page 15 &16).

The  Master  with  the  Brahma  devotees

Benimadhab  Pal’s  Garden  House,  Sinthee.           
28th  October,  1882 .

166)     “Well, here  is  Shivanath,  Look  here, you  are  a devotee  and  it
              gladdens  me  to  see  you. It  gives  much  pleasure  to  a  hemp-
              smoker  to  meet  another”.

At the sight of a real devotee God in Thakur leaps up with joy and it gladdens him to a degree.

“To see an Avatar is equivalent to see God”.  ----Sri  Ramkrishna .

Thakur is an Avatar and hence he is God. There is an easy trial of testing an Avatar . If any devotee with real devotion bows down to the Avatar then the inner-self of the letter will at once get transformed into Supreme Bliss, and outward manifestation will be seen to be exhibited on his face and body. A piece of dry wood flares up if it is rubbed against a stone.

167)     “Just   possible, they  will  embrace  each  other”.   

God-the-preceptor renders the devotee his own, gets the consciousness of the devotee merged into his own consciousness and makes the devotee conscious of oneness (Brahmagyan).

“A master being highly pleased with his steward, holds his hand, makes him sit by him and says, ‘Well, well! Sit by me . We are but one”.
                                                                                            -----Shri  Ramkrishna

A certain friend saw with eyes wide open that his God-the-preceptor was swallowing him . God-the-preceptor was making the devotee one with him.

Another friend dreamt that a big royal Bengal tiger made him lie down on his back and with his big paws was trying to embrace him. The tiger by his embrace was trying to make the devotee one with him. The tiger represents God-the-preceptor. A man must be a tiger in spirit in order to break through the net of illusion.


Wednesday, 19 November 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

159)                 “One  on  arrival  at ‘Kalighat’, got  himself  engaged  in  giving  alms  only ;
                          then  there  would  be  no  time  for  him  to  see  the  image  of  the  Divine Mother,  ‘Kali’,  in  the  inner  shrine”.

(Kalighat is a locality of Calcutta and here the temple of the Divine Mother, called “Kali”, is situated).Kalighat---represents the world . One is come to the world . His first and foremost duty is to see God, i.e., to solve the mystery of life and death , On the contrary, a man comes to the arena of the world, dances his futile dance and passes away.

160)               “In  case  of  fever, if  the  old  Kaviraja’s  (Doctors practicing  in  old  method )
                        Treatment  is  adopted  then  the  patient  is  sure  to  collapse”.

Fever---represents the disease---‘ego’ or ‘I’.

Doctor’s old method---means seeing God the five sheaths or seven planes as laid down in the Vedas.

The patient is sure to collapse---signifies that the physical body in the present era cannot stand so much strain.

161)                 “The  present  era  demands  quick  action”.

Thakur means to say that the present era is an era of devotion and prayer .

It was so as long as Thakur lived in this world . But with the disappearance of Thakur from this world, the era has changed . The method is altered. It is Thakur’s era . A new method has been adopted. It is an age of injection, i,e., it will come from within the body as God-the-preceptor comes from inside the body .

162)                 “The  religion  of  the  era  is  devotion  and  prayer”.

Let you follow the path of prayer and devotion and if God in your takes pity He will appear as God-the-preceptor and will show you His sports and sportive forms and you will be a witness to them.

163)                “Like  Vedantist  (non-dualists)  you  do  not  say
                         That  the  world  is  but  a  dream”.

Why those devotees do say so?

They are not blessed with this realization as they did not see God and there was no chance for them to do so. They are aged people . Had there been any chance for them to realize God then that would have come to pass at their youth within 25 years of age .     

 At  Surendra’s  )Suresh  Mitra’s )  house
 after  the  boat  trip.

164)                “Have  the  fare  from  the  ladies  of  the  house .For  certain,  they  must  be  knowing  that  their  husbands  (Suresh Mitra & others)  pay visit  to
us  at  the  temple  of  Dakshineswar.”

It means transmission of power from to one another and it speaks wonder .

In our case we find that husband comes and he see the “Diamond”---in the shape of my own person---within, and then other members of the family see me in the following four forms;---

(i)    In  dream.

(ii)    In  meditation.

(iii)   In  an  awakened  condition—as  a  living  man .

(iv)   In  trance.

It was not so in the time of Thakur.

Even the wife of Suresh Babu during the life—time of Thakur made a different preceptor or Guru.

165)               “There hung  on  the wall  an  oil-painting  and  Surendra  got  it  painted  specially  for  him  (Surendra). In  the  picture, it  was  so  pointed  out 
by  Thakur  to  Keshab  about  the harmony  of  all  religions,  viz.
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,  Hinduism, and also in other sectarianisms
such  as,  ‘Vaishnava’,  ‘Sakta’,  ‘Shaiva’, etc”.

It was but a picture—a creation of imagination .

“Many have admitted that all the religions of the world are right”--. Swami Vivekananda (The ideal of a Universal Religion).

Whereas, when a man becomes God, any member of the human race coming in contact with Him will see Him within his own body, and even in many cases without any contact they see Him. The question of religion, sect, caste or creed does not arise (vide Preface, page-17). This is harmony. This is Swami Vivekananda’s Point of Union” for which he laid down his glorious life, though it did not come into existence in his own life-time.

The great Swami exclaimed that no practical plan was adopted by any to bring about this harmony in the conflux of the claim of superiority and disparity over other religions.

In Volume II of the complete works of Swami Vivekananda [Ninth (Enlarged) Edition, 1958—published in Mayavati, Almora, Himalaya], the great Swami says, “That plan alone is practical which does not destroy the individuality of any man in religion and at the same time shows him a point of union with all others”.

No practical plan can be chalked out . This harmony is achieved through Mahayoga---the ‘Great Yoga’ which evinces that “All is One and One is All”---only in the spiritual world within(Vide Introduction, Page 15 &16).

Thursday, 6 November 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

151)       “So long  the fire  the  fuel  burns  beneath,  the  milk  puffs  up”.

Fuel---represents the physical body of the devotee. Fire---is Thakur . God is represented as---milk. Puffs up---means manifestations and realizations in the body .

The metaphor means that when a devotee comes near Thakur he gets tastes and realizations of God.

152)                  “When fire  is  withdrawn,  there  remains  no  puffing  up  of  the  milk”.  

When a devotee goes away from Thakur, his longing for God and realizations also vanish .

153)               “The  people  of  Calcutta  are  fond  of  sensation .  They  start  digging
                        a well  at  a  place  but  if  they  strike  a  stone  then  they  will  leave
                        the  place . It  so  happens  that  sand  comes  out . They  will  leave  the
                        place  and  begin  at  another  place .  And  this  goes  on”.

The devotees around Thakur in the steam-boat with Shri Keshab were all elderly men . So there was hardly any chance for them to get spontaneous emanation of God in their bodies. Thakur was instructing to be firm and fixed and then to try to get God’s grace by self-exertion. Thakur was fully aware that it was a rare thing; still the merciful God takes pity and gives His grace .

154)                “How  powerful  are  the  words  of  a teacher  who  has
                         got  commandment ! A  mountain  moves  at  his  words”.

The words of a man who has got God’s commandment make God wake up in others who are blessed enough to listen to him. But this is conditional. The hearer must be young like St. Francis as otherwise there is hardly any chance.

      Mountain---represents  body.

      Moves----means waking of life-power in the body.

The wakened life-power startles one, shakes him and then like a monkey takes a jump to the seventh plane and is transformed into Supreme Bliss. It so happens in a matured condition but not with a beginner.

155)                  “One  needs  a badge  of  authority  if  he  wants  to  teach  others”.

God-the-preceptor appears, writes the authority on a paper and shows it to the devotee. This is called ‘badge of authority’.

156)                 “One  who  has  attained  God  within  himself  has  got  an  inner  sight”.

If anybody comes to the man who has got God in him then the attainer of God finds the reflective form the new-comer in him and then follows a spontaneous revelation of the nature of the new-comer. It makes the attainer know the pros and cons of the comer . It so often happened with Thakur.

157)                 ”God  is  the  master . Everything  is  done  through  me .I do  not  do  anything .
                          The  man  whose  life  is  perfected  and  conducted  on  the  basis  of  this  knowledge
                           in  him. God  has  separated  Himself  in  him  from  the  bondage  of  body” .

This is knowledge of ‘Thou’---‘not I but Thou’. This state of consciousness gets its own expressions in everyday life . The expressions in everyday life are that he will never play the role of a preceptor and he will never accept any money in exchange of his religious teaching . “If he has become a real monk then why does he take money from other’?  ---Sri Ramkrishna .

158)                   “Let  you  see  God  first  by  self—exertion”.

“It is through sheer grace of God that God is seen”. ---Sri Ramkrishna . But here Thakur was encouraging the devotees for self—exertion as they were advanced in age . Yes, by sincere devotion, prayer and other spiritual discipline one can get God’s grace in some measure.      

Monday, 20 October 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

145).           “Preceptor,  Master,  and  Father,  these  three  words  make a shudder  pass  through                             me”.

Preceptor---“A man can never be a preceptor . God-the-preceptor is the only preceptor”—Sri Ramkrishna.

Master---God is the Master of the world and everybody else in the world is but a sight-seer and a passer-by.

Father---It means to be entrapped in the temptation of the world.

After attainment of the Supreme Cult, the attainer is always protected by the awakened God in his body, so he cannot have a fall. The Supreme Cult never deserts the attainer.

146).           “Preceptor  is  only  God-the-Preceptor”.

God-the-Preceptor assumes human form, appears before you, blesses you and says . “You will attain God-head”. God in the body takes this unknown or by-gone human form, selects you as a bridegroom, in other words, makes your body a play ground for this blissful and joyous sports.

He teaches you the whole course of Rajayoga---the emanation and transformation of God through the five sheaths or the seven plane into the Supreme Bliss.

He gets Himself changed before your very eyes as your deity to whom you daily pray. As for instance, a man has got St. Paul as his God-the-Preceptor. But his deity is Jesus as he prays to Him. Before his very eyes he will see that the form of St, Paul is changed into the form of Jesus. Again in the seventh plane, God-the-Preceptor shows God and merges into God.

Without attainment of God-the-Preceptor, a devotee is not lucky enough to see God in various states in him ; nay not only this, but he will not get the least response of God in him .

Thakur says, “Without the bliss of God-the-Preceptor, there cannot be any upward progress. “This upward progress means he upward motion of the life-power in a man, that is, waking of life-power and her march in the seventh plane . Without the attainment of God-the-Preceptor, the life-power does not wake up . There cannot be any realization without life-power being wakened up.

The attainment of God-the-Preceptor is a kind of transformation into God-with-Form as God in the body assumes that form out of sheer mercy.

God-the-Preceptor expresses himself in the body in various measures. They are:--

(1)    “Some unknown man (a human form made of God’s light) will appear and tell you, ‘Come along with me’; then it will be a very easy journey to make climbing on his shoulder”.---Sri Ramkrishna .

This unknown man is God-the-Preceptor in full measure and he comes to the seer at an early age of twelve to thirteen.

‘Unknown man’ means the human form of God-the-preceptor whom you did not see before ; but afterwards you will be coming to know everything about him .    

(2)     A devotee used to pray to God for a good preceptor. God heard his prayer and appeared before him in the form of God-the-Preceptor. The form of God-the-preceptor was a living one.It denoted that God in full measure was manifested and that the living man was God-Himself-with-form.

(3)     God-the-preceptor appears, shows the devotee his favorite deity and merges himself into the deity. Here both God-the-preceptor and the deity are made of God’s light.

(4)     God-the-preceptor appears all on a sudden with an aspect of one mad in God’s love, and with up-lifted hands indicating that God in him has separated from his body and speaks, “Remember God and talk of God—all along”.

(5)     It was dusk in a dense forest. The sky was covered with black clouds. Lightning and thunders succeeded each other, a high gale was blowing and it was tempestuous. A poor traveler was exasperated and in bewilderment cried out. “How am I to cross this forest?” A voice was heard and it spoke, “Remember God, take God’s name and there will not be the least difficulty for you to go out of the forest”.
(6)     A devotee is seeing that God-the-preceptor is giving him instruction about the waking of life-power.

(7)     A devotee is in a boat and his God-the-preceptor is the boatman and plying the boat in a river.

(8)     A devotee is standing on the sea-shore. There is a boat on the shore. His God-the-preceptor is on the boat and the helm of the boat is in his hand. The devotee is maddened with joy at the sight . He cries aloud, “Well, well, Sir! What brings you here”? The reply comes, “I have come to learn that you shall be due here and so I have come”. The devotee then gets into the boat.

(9)     God-the-preceptor assumes the form of an old man and beckons the devotee .

(10)    God-the-preceptor appears as an ancient sage (Rishi) and gives instructions .

All these realizations came upon a group of devotees in dreams.

“Does realization in dream bear any less value ?”---Shri Ramkrishna . The Brihadaranyaka and Chandogya (Upanishads), parts of the Vedas, say that realizations in dreams are purer then the realizations made with open eyes.

147)              “God  is  mother  to  me  and  I  am  but  her  child”.

This is but knowledge of ‘Thou’ as in opposition to ‘ego’ or ‘I’, and this is also called the matured love to Go . There remains no-ego-consciousness in the Supreme Knowledge. But when consciousness comes back, it comes back with ‘thou’ and not ‘I’. This is called conscious-existence of Descent or this is designated as matured love. If this knowledge is once attained this never leaves or deserts the attainer. So those who have attained this knowledge of ‘thou’ can never play the role of preceptor. At every turn Thakur used to say, “God

along is the Preceptor”. God, in one aspect, is this world and it is His sportive form . Thakur without any break in the day or at night was witnessing this God’s sport . His eyes were fixed continually on God. So he was a child to God . How can a child play the part of a preceptor? One of Thakur’s devotees, by name Tej Chandra, asked for initiation . Thakur replied, “I cannot be your preceptor, I simply can be your instructor”.

148)              “There  are  human  preceptors  by  the  million”.

It is simply and solely ignorance and false vanity which prompts a man to ply the role of a preceptor.

149)              “Everyone  wants  to  be  a preceptor . There  is  hardly  one  who
                       condescends  to  be  a disciple”.      

      Preceptor---means false vanity according to Thakur’s ideology, as a man cannot be
A preceptor.

      A disciple is compared  by Thakur as low land . Thakue’s teaching was, “The
      water of God’s grace does not get accumulated in high land; whereas,
 it accumulates in the low land”.      

     150)              “If  you  are  not  commended  by  God, then  nobody  is  going 
                            to  hear you”.
Without God’s command there will be no force in your instructions and there will be no room for them in the mind of your audience. So God in their bodies will not emanate. They shall not get you as God-the preceptor in them and that proves that you have not got God’s command.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

136).         “Then  comes  the  real  love  to  God”.

The Supreme Knowledge is succeeded by knowledge of ‘Not-I-but-Thou’, and this is succeeded by attainment of manikin form of God and then springs up the real love of God .

137).            “Yearning  alone  enables  one  to  attain  God”.

Waking of life-power gives impetus to yearning and this life-power is transformed into Supreme Bliss.

138).        “As  if,  it  was  a  fight  between  Shiva  and  Rama”.

 In an epic of India, it has been depicted that there was a fight between Shiva and Rama—the preceptor turns into God-with-Form . It is so seen in meditation and this is seeing God-with-Form. Again, when the God-the-Preceptor shows God-without-Form in the seventh plane and merges into God, this explains the allegory how God-the-preceptor Shiva changes into Rama means One, that is, non-dualistic state in the seventh plane.

Shri Ramkrishna fought this fight of Shiva and Rama in the cottage of meditation beneath the group of five trees at the garden-temple of Dakshineswar while he has engaged in realization of the Supreme Knowledge . Puri Maharaj (one of Thakur’s spiritual conductor and guide) made Rhahur sit in meditation in the cottage, closed the door from the outside and left the place. Thakur dipped deep in meditation. But when ever his mind wanted to cross the sixth plane the blissful from of the Divine Mother barred the passage to the seventh plane . One becomes forgetful of everything when he sees his own dear God-with-Form . Thakur had no desire left to him to proceed to the seventh plane . Some couple of hours went by in this way . Now Puri Maharaj entered the cottage . Thakur very eagerly spoke out “Well, Ican’t leave the sixth plane and proceed further!”

“Pooh, don’t be so hasty. It is sure to come”, saying this, Puri Maharaj picked up a sharpened piece of glass of and pierced the middle place of the two eyebrows of Thakur to a point only and side, “Take up your mind here”. The door was again closed from the outside and Thakur composed himself in deep meditation. Again the joyous form the Divine Mother appeared. This time Thakur drew out his sword of knowledge and cut the joyous form the Divine Mother into pieces. His mind entered the seventh plane like lightning and was transformed into Supreme Self or One. Some three hours went by in this way when Puri Maharaj again entered the cottage and seeing the outward signs on the body of the Thakur exclaimed “Oh, how wonderful is God’s grace! It took me some forty years to reach this state but this has happened here in no time”!

The fight between the Divine Mother and Thakur, i.e, fight between Shiva and Rama—between God-the-preceptor and the disciple — was over in the seventh plane in a non-dualistic condition .

139.         “Mother  and  her  daughter”.      

Mother---Signifies  body from where the soul emanates .

Daughter---is born of the mother, that is, God-with-Form as seen in the sixth plane .

140).        “Without  Jatila  and  Kutila, the  mischief-mongers, God’s sport  does  not  develop”.

Had there been nobody then there would have been no manifestation of God in the cerebrum.

141).         “There   is  no  fun  but  for  Jatila—Kutila”.

It is body which yields the Supreme Bliss.

142).          “You  pick  up  your  disciples  without  reading  their  nature, so  they  go  away  from  you”.

It is fundamental for becoming a disciple to get the form of the preceptor as God-the-Preceptor in his body. A human being cannot be a preceptor. God is in the physical sheath. He emanates. He assumes a human form. The form of God-the-Preceptor, and if that form is a living one then it indicates that God is in a fully emanated and awakened condition in this form.

143).          “Cakes  called  “Puli” (a Bengali  cake)  look all  alike  but  their  contents  vary .
                     Some ‘Pulis’ have  got  condensed  milk  in  them, some  have  sweetened . 
                     Cocoanut  kernel  and  some  past  of  pulse”.

Puli---represents human body.

Condensed milk---in body means to see God-with-Form in body (Sttava).

Sweetened cocoanut kernel---means the aerial body as a man sees his own prototype while he files in dream (Rajas).

Paste of pulse---means that there will be no emanation of God in their physical sheath (Tamas).

144).             “I eat, drink  and  live, and  all  the  rests  are  known  to  my  Divine  Mother  in  me”.

The existence of Thakur consisted in keeping the body and soul together devoid of all other animal signs. He existed to see the sports of the Divine Mother in his own body as well as in the world around.

Thursday, 25 September 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

128).               “When  the  stalk  turns  into  a  trunk,  the  fence  in  removed”.
It means the attainment of the Supreme Cult in the body. Then no further concealment is necessary, because, as a sign of attainment of the Supreme Cult, God in the body will be seen to manifest itself over the body.                              
129).          “Then  the  trunk  will  not  get  the  least  hurt  even  if  an  elephant  is  tied  to  it”. 

Elephant---is the symbol of mind and mind is called an wild elephant .

130 ).         “The  disease  is  typhoid”.

‘I’ or ‘ego’ has been compared with typhoid. In typhoid a patient sees illusion. So ‘I’ is nothing but an illusion. Then what is reality? ‘I’ is never born and cannot be born (Ajo—that which is never born). How does ‘that-which-never-born’ look in the typhoid of illusion?

Emanation of God in the body commences from the gross physical sheath. Then at the end of Ascent, the Supreme Cult reveals the Supreme Knowledge. Then comes “Descent”. The knowledge of “Thou” appears and reigns. Then the illusion of ‘I’ vanishes and a man is in state to declare “That-which-never-born”. The special feature of the disease typhoid ‘I’ is that it makes unreal appear real.

131).                  “In the room of the typhoid patient, there are huge     
                           Water pot and jars of pickles and tamarinds”.

  Room---represents body, the gross physical sheath. Typhoid patient—is ‘I’ or ‘ego’---a subject of illusions. Huge water pot and jars of pickles and tamarinds—are six aspects of human passions—lust, anger, greediness, delusion, pride and envy.

132).                      “If you want to get the patient cured of his ‘I’ illusion,
                                then he must be removed from the room”. 

‘I’---is body, the physical sheath at first.

The commencement of God’s emanation stars from the physical sheath. Life-power of the emanated God from the body undergoes transformations in His sportive forms in five sheaths or seven plans. Then follows the attainment of the Supreme Knowledge. The Ascent ends here. The Descent starts now and knowledge of ‘I-am-not-but-thou’ prevails. This is called ‘removal of the patient from the room’ or the gross physical sheath.

133),               “God  alone  exists  and  the  existence  is eternal”

This saying has got two aspects in their meaning :

(1)     God with form is real and eternal.

(2)     God without form is also real and eternal.

But in the Supreme Knowledge there exists nothing and even in the state of Supreme Knowledge none exists either to feel the non-existence or to carry the message of non-existence.

There are two states of the Supreme Knowledge—one Relative and other is Absolute . The Relative starts from seeing the formless God in the seventh plane and ultimately it is transformed into Absolute-non-existence after undergoing the following changes---

(1)     The formless God.

(2)     God holding the Universe in Him.

(3)      He turns into a seed.

(4)     The seed turns into a dream.

(5)     The dream does not exist or the state of non-existence of ego.

134)            “All  else  is  unreal,  impermanent  and  ephemeral”

In Ascent it so appears . When life-power ascends from one plane to another, she keeps on discarding till she reaches and is transformed into Absolute and non-existence and then in Descent at the first stage, “Not-I-But-Thou’, the illusory state of everything else, is felt and it transpires that God alone is Real .

135).          “This  Supreme  Knowledge  is  to  be  attained,  realized  and  to  be  felt  Continually”.

It is ‘Sahajia; state . The existence becomes so ; or it becomes one with one’s existence.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

124).                        “All on a sudden one cannot be king Janaka . In solitude       
                                  Janaka had to practice server austerity.  
Janaka was a king of the great epic Ramayana , In his body God got Himself separated. It was a spontaneous separation. But Janaka was made to practice austerity in solitude in order to realize the bliss of depth of God’s manifestation in the body as well as for setting example to others for practicing austerity, because, everyone cannot be blessed with spontaneous expression of God in the body . The character of Janaka is so depicted, as after separation of God from the body a man may live anywhere.
125).                   “One may live in the world but he must go
                             into solitude every now and then”.          

The environment of everybody life hurts and hardens the body and it stands on the way of God’s manifestation in a man . “If milk is kept on a stirring state then there cannot be any cure”--. Sri Ramkrishna .
It does not permit transformation of life—power into Supreme Bliss.
126).                     “On the footpath, a tree when  young  must  be  fenced around
                               Otherwise  it  will  be  eaten  up  by  the  stray  cow  and  goat”.
Footpath---is the world where there is an uproar of greediness for continuous pleasure though there is no satiety in it. A man lives therein. “The world is an arena of unquenchable thirst for pleasure and creature comfort—“.Sri Ramkrishna.
Tree on the footpath---represents a man’s body with life—power in it.
Life-power (Kundalini) at the first stage is but a sapling. It grows. It becomes a plant. Finally it becomes a tree bearing fruits. It is a mango tree. It bears small fruits on the lower branches and very bigger fruits on the upper ones and one biggest fruit on one top most branch. It is so seen in the body.
Young---means the initial waking condition of life-power. It develops, first it comes in the form of a venomous snake and it is seen in a dream. This very dream takes living form in its own course of time and is seen in an expressive way to manifest over the body. In the long run when a man realizes and sees all the sportive forms of God in the five sheaths of the body, still the life-power is not manifested over the body with a tangible expression. If in a very matured condition when life-power makes its way to the seventh plane in five different shapes and the forms of each shape is manifested over the body and the life-power gets transformed into Supreme Bliss at beck and call then the blessed man is made aware of the full process of manifestations with forms and bliss of the life-power in his body.
It can be tested in a very easy way, if the life-power is awakened in a man . If life-power is awakened in full measure in a man penetrating the gross physical sheath and manifesting over it, then all that is required is to ask him. “Well Sir, is it fact that if life-power in a man is awakened then the life-power is seen to jump like a frog in his physical sheath?” Before he answers the question it will come upon him and will be seen in manifestation over his physical sheath. It will be seen that his abdomen is throbbing, rather rising and falling very quickly and something in inside perforce is making its way with striking rapidity towards the cerebrum of the seventh plane expressing such impressions over the body as easily marked by one and all. Though the man is in a sitting posture he will be seen as if he is in dance like a frog . The supreme Cult (Brahmavidya) or the cult through which God is manifested itself over the body. This state in the physical sheath has been stated as a trunk of a tree.
Fenced around---signifies that the devotee must keep himself along in solitude for a period of time to pray and meditate with undivided and undiverted  attention .
Goat---is the symbol of lust.
Cow---that is bull is the symbol of anger .
127).               “At  the  first  stage ,  the  fence  is  an  indispensable  rquirement”.
It means to pray in concealment and solitude.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
116).                       “The  mind  is  all  in  all”.
 The mind of Shri Radha (the heroine of Shri Bhagavat—a holy epic) was transformed into the image of Shri Krishna (the hero) . So on whatever side she was casting her sight, her eyes met with the image of Shri Krishna .                     

  117).                      “But  there  is  one  mind”.
  The mind has got various phases . But all these phases merge and are transformed into one “Atma”—God with forms and attributes, and finally God without forms and attributes .

118).                    “Mind keeps a man in bondage . Mind makes a man free. I am
                              free man .
                              It is no matter if I live in the world or in the forest . What can
                              keep me bound?
                              I am a child of God. He is king of the kings. As such, who
                              dares keep me in bondage”?
If a man is bitten by a snake and if he keeps on saying emphatically, “There is no venom in me” then the venom leaves him . So if a man keeps on saying with right earnestness,
“I am not bound, I am free” then he turns out to be free”!
It is a prayer of a devotee to God. He listens to the prayer . One Mr. Hazra asked Thakur, “Will my prayer be heard by God” ? Thakur at once replied, “Yes, hundred times”. The above prayer has the character of self-exertion . To attain God by self-exertion then at the time of death, through the grace of God, he may have liberation—but the bliss of liberation cannot be enjoyed when alive . It is only spontaneous emanation which can set a man free to have its bliss in the lifetime .Spontaneous emanation of God from the body is the way of a kitten . It is exactly as if a father has taken charge of his own child . In case of a monkey cub, it is the cub which clutches the neck of its mother .

119).                        The wretched man who keeps on saying, ‘I am bound.
                                I am bound,’ gets himself really bound . He who says                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        day and night, ‘I am but a sinner.’ ‘I am but a sinner,’
                                in fact becomes a sinner .”
The intellect is colored by mind, and continued thinking of sin tarnishes the intellect. A tarnished intellect makes a man go down .

120).                         “To  see  God  is  the  end  of  life”
 No one can attain God by self-exertion . But if self-exertion persists vehemently then an advance may be made . It is through sheer grace of God that one can attain God . This grace of God is but spontaneous emanation .

121).                        “A man must have burning faith in Him that he may say,
                                ‘What! I have repeatedly taken the name of God, and so
                                 sin cannot cling to me . There is no sin in me. I am not bondage”.
 Such mental force may be ascribed to God’s grace. What is God’s grace? It is exactly to carry a burning light in a room keep in darkness for a thousand years and the room is illuminated in the twinkling of an eye. God’s grace is not a mental phenomenon. It is seen and it is obtained, but by one or two in an era.

122).                        “If the name of God is taken repeatedly by a man,
                                  then it makes him pure in mind and body .”
 There is no difference between God and God’s name. The name of God makes God manifested in the body.

123).                         I only prayed for devotion is my Divine Mother.”
                                 Is it only a mental operation?  Oh  no!
 The Divine Mother stands before the very eyes of the devotee . She wants to offer some of the attributes to the devotee. The devotee on his part does not want any . He bows down simply to the Divine Mother, takes the dust of her feet, places it on his head and says. “Oh Mother, may I be blessed with love of God only”! The Mother becomes highly please.
Love of God is the fixed star and it cannot be defined. To obtain the manikin form of God in one’s body is the highest realization of God’s love in a man.

Saturday, 9 August 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

109).                   “The sky looks blue at a distance, but look at it nearby---there is
                             no color.The water of ocean looks blue at a distance , But go
                             close by, take it in your palm and see,---there is no color “.
It is spoken of God without form and attributes . In Ascent when ego consciousness is gone, nobody knows what remains . If the man is blessed enough to come back in Descent with Divine Consciousness then he knows only “Yes” (Asti) so far and nothing else .
110).                      “He is the master both of bondage and liberation”.
If God through His grace frees Himself from the body then there is liberation , and if He does not so then it is bondage .
“I” or “ego”----is bondage .
Liberation lies in solving the problem of “I” or “ego”. The skin of an onion is peeled off one after another, then in the end there remains no skin . This is liberation . Here in the simile, onion represents ‘I’. There are two other stages where the bliss of liberation is seen and felt, and they are all in attributive conditions . (1)  The first stage is that—God is liberated from the body and collected and shown by God-the-Preceptor as “Atma” in the seventh plane . (ii) The second stage is when the sense springs up that ‘I am not body but I am God”!

111).                   “God out of a hundred thousand, gets Himself liberated in one “.

The blessed man in whose body God liberates in full measure, manifests and expresses His various sportive forms is a liberated one . He is freed from the bondage of body. The primal idea of a man is that he is body with all the senses and other attributes and corelated functions . When Atma is shown and seen, he comes to know that he is Atma and the question of body does not arise at all . The final stage of liberation is to get oneself freed from the ego-consciousness . Here ends Ascent and if it is followed by Descent then the man does not find “I” in him but there reigns the divine consciousness “Thou”.

112).                         “It  is  His  will”.

His will is expressed in two ways, that is, either by keeping in bondage or by freeing Himself in the body, though it may be one in one hundred thousand.

 113).                         “Solid and liquid  by  parts”.

 It is the measure of God liberating from the body . The liquid denotes the liberation of God and solid is that portion from where God is not freed . Liquid God is seen in the second sheath in the abdomen of the right side---‘Pranamaya Kosha’.

114).                        “I am  burnt  up  through  excess”.
God emanated in full measure from the body of Thakur 
So ‘I’ in Thakur is burnt up . It is seen . It flares up like red light (Chaitanya) in the cerebrum .
115).              “Mind  keeps  one  in  bondage .  Again,  mind  sets  one  free”.

A purified mind cannot think that it is in bondage . Until and unless a man sees God in his body, he cannot get his mind purified . To see God is the measure of purification and the sight of God in the body purifies everything concerning body . The evaporation of animal passion from the body is the practical shape of purification . It is visible in one’s body. As soon as any word concerning animal passion will be spoken by the man, a shudder starting from the lower part of the body will be seen to come over the body and the shudder will be seen to rise upwards in the cerebrum of the seventh plane.

116).                       “The  mind  is  all  in  all”.

The mind of Shri Radha (the heroine of Shri Bhagavat—a holy epic) was transformed into the image of Shri Krishna (the hero) . So on whatever side she was casting her sight, her eyes met with the image of Shri Krishna .